Love Tips: Crush
If your first crush has to express love, then these tips of ours will work for you:
If you have liked someone for the first time or if you have a different feeling after seeing someone, then it is a little difficult to tell. You want to spend as much time as possible with your first crush, tell him how much you love him but don't know how to say it.
1. Send Emoji:
Now a days there is more of emoji than text. You send some emoji expressing your feelings on mobile.
2. Compliment
Praise your crush in talks, this will give him a hint and the matter will come to the fore.
3. Try to know the likes and dislikes
Try to know the likes and dislikes of your crush. Try to understand your crush as best you can, what he likes and doesn't
4. Spend time
Try to spend as much time with him as possible. This will show that you want to move on from friendship with him.
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