The Concept of Sociology of Literature and Historical Process ii.

20 Jan 2024

*The Concept of Sociology of Literature and Historical Process ii.

thinkers who demonstrated a sociologically based approach to literature in the nineteenth century “the whole social institutions in a manner related to climate, geography, national characteristics, traditions and political structure they try to explain” (Şan, 2006, p. 130) . Among the thinkers who look at this kind of perspective is Louis de Bonald.Dec. According to the French thinker Bonald, literature is a mirror held up to the age on the street. Literature is the reflection, expression of society. Other initiatives that consider the social conditions of literature in the same vein, such as Vico, Bonald, are also has been. The owner of one of the works that can be called the beginning of literary sociology studies It is Madame de Stael. Stael, who pioneered the sociology of literature studies that came after him, In his work ”The Study of Literature in Terms of its Relationship with Social Institutions", the subject is God instead of a centered point of view, it deals with the worldly point of view (Tüzer, 2019, p. 30) .

German like Herder the relationship between literature and society used by thinkers Zeitgeist(the spirit of the age) and Volkgeist (national soul) Madame de Stael, who was influenced by thinkers who tried to establish with concepts; social institutions, establishes a connection between values and other material elements (Escarpit R. , 1993, p. 9) . These studies; they are important studies in terms of drawing literature into the worldly field and analyzing it through this field. Another name that we can mention after Stael in the Sociology of Literature studies is Hippolyte Taine. 19.the sociologist Taine, who lived in the century, Decoupled the relationship between society and literature through the influence of natural sciences Apart from Stael, there has been another thinker who brought geographical conditions to the fore. The History of English Literature called in his book, he has tried to adapt the influence of natural sciences to literature. Hippolyte Taine literature in order to bring it together on a scientific basis, he puts forward three categories: race, environment and period (Moran, 2007, p. 84) .

While the Taine race refers to the characteristics of a nation, not around a biologically based idea; period for a certain time; by environment, I mean a nation that creates the environment that affects the character of people factors such as climate and geographical conditions are considered (Moran, 2007, p. 84) . Applicability of Taine's method and it is problematic in terms of its validity, but its external conditions in the history of literary sociology studies it holds an important place in terms of bringing it forward. Another name that can be mentioned about the relationship between literature and society is considered the founder of hermeneutics it was Wilhelm Dilthey. Dilthey “ with the content expressed in the art work, the human spirit has a certain age and he argues that the formal essence in which it appears in cultures carries a certain commonality” (Tüzer, 2019, p. 31) .

The artist's work will play a key role in understanding the values and culture of the era, so that the era a specific evaluation will become possible. In the light of reflective theory, a person who thinks that literature has a social function; is held to the street one branch of thinkers who act from the idea that it is a mirror is Marxist criticism. Marx and Engels based on their scattered aesthetic thoughts, thinkers such as Jhadanov, Plekhanov, Belinsky he argued that it is for society, connected the aesthetic foundations of literature to social benefit (Kösemihal, 1967, p. 4) . According to the aforementioned ideas, in a society that is not based on objective reality a work of art that has no value has no value. A scientifically based one with the principle of causality according to these thinkers, who started from thought, the main purpose of literature will benefit society that is.

Another name that can be mentioned in Marxist theory for Georg Lukacs without reflecting in the essence of literature it's just. French sociologist Lucien, who followed the path opened by Lukacs's socialistic theory of reality Goldmann is one of the names that have made his name in the fields of sociology of culture and literature. Dec. In his work about the novel genre, translated as “Towards a Sociology of the Novel”, Goldmann he studied literature from the point of view of sociology and emphasized the sociological foundations of the novel (Şan, 2006, p. 145) . Emphasizing the Decoupled bond between literature and society, Goldmann's "starting point it is the Deconstruction of the relationship between the work and the structure” (Alver, Sociological Criticism: An Introduction to Sociological Reading, 2006, p. 284) . Accordingly, according to Goldmann, the purpose of the sociology of literature is “to it is to establish a connection between the common consciousness of the social segments in which the works were born" (Şan, 2006, p. 149) .

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