Mobile Cleansing.

12 Mar 2024

Opportunity to do something good can rise in worst situation and we should look into these edges to trigger the mode into productive way. If we give up by saying that what I do in this situation? Or what can I do ? Then may be we will loose the hidden opportunity and waste the time.

We have high tendency political instability in the country after illegal arrests of Ex.Prime minister. The followers showed instance response and by heavier remonstratively blocked several highway. The government shutdown the internet services with banning social media especially Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and imo services by aiming to restrict people to communicate each other. So we are in second consecutive day without internet services. Only WiFi connections working but in my region 99% users had mobile internet connections.

What I got opportunity from internet shutdown to cleanse my mobile. Due to lot of SMS thread, contacts, photos, videos and apps it was almost hanged.

Contact list.
I started from my contact list where I found 741 entries. It was huge so one by one I deleted all those contacts to whom I didn't intact in last 90 days. Thanks to latest technology which made easy to me and collect all contacts in one line which were not in call since that period.

SMS thread.
All unnecessary, old ones and out of dated SMS thread also cleanse out by checking one by one. Especially the service massages from electricity, gas and mobile service providers was damming up. Then some old massage from kid's schools about their performance and my group of property business also came under fire.

Photo Gallery.
As you know all the people who are active on social media has always lot of photos in gallery. I becomes habit to snap more then need to get best one out. I found 7600 photos, screen shot, WhatsApp & social related snaps, Edited photos in my phone gallery. I swapped out more then 60% of the gallery and trashed them. Remaining linked up to my account of Google photos so gets extra space on memory to feed new things.

I always interested to made short videos on different occasions and use them in different forums like YouTube, Bulb and tangled. I deleted all the videos which I already used in posting. It gives a handy space of 1.2 GB free in phone memory.

Apps & wallets
We know apps captured the space and it's data. Unnecessary, out dated and long no use apps deleted one by one. Also keep only needed wallets and crypto exchange slots where others trashed.
The activity took 2-3 hours but it gives me neat , speedy and spam free mobile. It's internet speed enhanced and capacity of storage gets 15 GB vacuum. It means I can use that space for my fresh activities.

Note: The article has been published on Publish0x as well.

That's all for now, if you like my activity then press wow and leave comments for feedback.


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