Altlayer Nitrogen Testnet

13 Jan 2024

Hello friends. How are you? I hope you are all fine. After EFT approval, the market is a little bit down and a little bit stable.But let's not stop and continue making testnet. We need a lot of money. Today I will tell you about a free testnet. The name of our project is ALTLAYER. Our project received an investment of $7,200,000, including Binance Labs. Since it is a free testnet, please do it without delay. Even postpone it because it is forgotten later.
Now let's start explaining our testnet. --We go to this site and connect our wallet.When we connect our wallet, it automatically adds the network to our wallet.

From now on, we need to buy test tokens from Faucet, friends.
Let's go to the address. Select Nitrogen Testnet from the Select Token section.Scan the QR code on your phone and continue. Get test tokens.

Now we come to the important part. Nitrogen Testnet Contract Creation . Now let's create a contract. First, let's go to
We will add Nitrogen Testnet manually here as well.
Network name: Nitrogen
Network ID: nitrogen (automatic)
Chain ID: 96384675468
Currency Symbol: ETH
Network type: Testnet

After completing the network addition process, all that remains is the Deploy process. That's all we will do when we achieve this, friends.
Let me also give you their social media addresses. You can follow if you wish.

New tasks are opened from time to time in this project. I will of course share these too. I recommend you to follow the project very closely. It can reward its community well with the good investment it receives. It is a project that I think should not be overlooked.

Thank you for reading. I wish everyone good luck.

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