Syntropy December Monthly Update: Roadmap for 2024, Monza Launch, and Partnership with KYVE Network

3 Jan 2024

January 2, 2024
#Monthly Updates
As promised, we've closed out the year with an exciting note. December was full of thrilling announcements, marking strides on all fronts. Our updated roadmap sets a clear path forward for 2024, augmented by the most recent Monza stage launch, and the forging of a new partnership promises exciting possibilities within the Cosmos ecosystem.
Let's dive into the highlights and significant events that made this December memorable.
Major topics include:

  • Syntropy Stages: The Data Layer Roadmap
  • Monza Launch: Advancing the Data Layer
  • KYVE x Syntropy Partnership

The big announcement in November was the roll-out of Syntropy Stages, an updated roadmap carrying the Data Layer from now until full functionality and mass adoption. The announcement and blog post generated tons of buzz within the Syntropy community and beyond, as we anticipate Data Layer’s full functionality coming to market.
Monza is already underway, with Silverstone and Monaco right around the corner in 2024. Full details are in the blog, so in case you missed it, head on over and check it out. Keep your eye out for key milestones in 2024 like the introduction of token accounting, dApps for DeFi, and the Cosmos token bridge that will make $NOIA the new currency of blockchain data access.
Read more about Syntropy Stages here.
With Monza’s launch in December, the first stage of the roadmap is already completed. Monza is bringing our vision to life, enabling decentralized access to on-chain data across major blockchains. It’s a game-changer for projects, DeFi traders, and decentralized exchanges that rely on the most up-to-the-millisecond streaming data to operate and make decisions.
This Monza phase of the Data Layer is critical for validating technical features and user experiences. It's a collaborative process involving our community's input, which will shape the future of the Data Layer. Monza is just the beginning, laying the groundwork for Silverstone, where we’ll open the Data Layer to permissionless access and showcase ourselves with innovative dApps tailored for DeFi use cases and more.
Find the full blog behind the launch of Monza here.
December also saw the announcement of the first big partnership following the announcement of Stages and the launch of Monza. Syntropy is now teaming up with KYVE Network to enhance blockchain data accessibility and quality in the Cosmos ecosystem. KYVE’s proficiency in archiving and validating historical data is a perfect match for Syntropy's expertise in real-time blockchain data delivery.
The synergy will address the challenges of accessing on-chain data from various Cosmos blockchains to provide both real-time and historical data solutions for builders and users alike. Event-driven applications in the DeFi space and DEXs will benefit in particular, as the partnership will enable access to not only current block but mempool data as well.
For developers, traders, and analysts, this means making more informed and insightful decisions based on the most accurate historical and up-to-the-minute blockchain data. 
“We’re proud to join forces with KYVE to expand Cosmos data access,” said Jonas Simanavicius, CTO of Syntropy. “Both projects and teams share a focus on data infrastructure, with the common goal of simplifying Web3 data access in a way that is both user-friendly and trusted by institutions across the board.”
Learn more behind the partnership with KYVE here.
Our December X Space with KYVE was also a hit, with Syntropy's Jonas Simanavicius and KYVE founder Fabian Riewe diving into how we're collectively tackling Cosmos data dilemmas. Their AMA was all about the connecting dots and unpacking dilemmas in Cosmos data access. Missed out? Catch the replay and get up to speed on the insights from Jonas and Fabian.

And a big shoutout to our community for the lively X Space engagement and questions throughout the AMA. Kudos to @bojanKrict@extyone, and @avieiramev for snagging $25 in $NOIA as a reward for the best questions of the session. The X Space ended up being a great forum to introduce the partnership with KYVE to the community and explain in full detail how we’re in the perfect position to make both historical and real-time Cosmos data more accessible than ever.
If you have questions, insights, or just want to chat, don't hesitate to reach out. Our community managers are always around on Telegram and Discord, and they enjoy hearing from you. Your feedback not only helps us improve but also fuels our mission. Thanks for being a critical part of our journey towards democratizing blockchain data access for all.

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