The Renaissance of Reading: A Window to the Soul and Imagination

16 Mar 2024

In a world where technology advances by leaps and bounds and screens seem to dominate every waking moment, an ancient art refuses to be forgotten: reading. This act, once the primary means of transmitting knowledge and pleasure, is experiencing a surprising and exciting renaissance.

Recent studies reveal that reading is not only still alive, but is flourishing in new forms and approaches. Digital libraries, audiobooks and online book clubs are attracting a new generation of readers who find books a refuge from the stresses of the modern world. Reading offers a necessary pause, a space for reflection and personal growth.

But what makes reading so attractive in the digital age?

Experts point out that reading is a unique experience that activates the imagination in ways that audiovisual content simply cannot match. By immersing yourself in a book, the reader becomes a co-creator of the world that the author proposes, painting landscapes, faces and emotions in their mind with an unlimited palette of possibilities.

The relationship between reading and intelligence is a topic of interest and debate. Some studies suggest that reading can have a positive impact on various cognitive skills. For example, a study by Emanuele Castano indicates that literary fiction can improve “theory of mind,” which is the ability to infer and understand the thoughts and feelings of others. Furthermore, it has been observed that reading promotes sociocognitive processes that could develop intellectual abilities.

Creating a reading habit is not so much about the number of books you read, but rather the consistency and enjoyment you find in the activity.

There's no magic number of books guaranteed to form a habit, but here are some recommendations based on expert advice:

  • Select a topic that interests you to maintain motivation1.
  • Set a reading intention and commit to reading daily until the habit is formed.
  • Create a reading routine, such as reading 10 to 30 minutes daily or 30 minutes every other day if you can't do it daily.
  • Mark the days you read on a calendar to visualize your progress.
  • Create the habit in 21 days, although this time may vary depending on the person.

However, it is important to note that intelligence is a multifaceted concept and does not depend exclusively on a single activity such as reading. Intelligence includes a variety of skills and knowledge, and can be influenced by many factors, including education, life experiences, environment, and genetics.

In summary, although reading can contribute to cognitive development and social intelligence, it is not the only factor that determines a person's intelligence. Intelligence is the result of a complex combination of influences and experiences.
Additionally, reading has been linked to numerous mental health benefits, such as reducing anxiety and improving empathy. A study from the University of Sussex found that reading can reduce stress by 68%, outperforming other techniques such as listening to music or taking a walk.
This revival of reading is not without challenges. Misinformation and fake news pose a real threat to the integrity of what we read. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage critical and conscious reading, where readers not only immerse themselves in fascinating stories, but also question and reflect on the veracity and origin of what they consume.

Choosing a literary genre to start reading is a personal decision that depends on your interests and tastes. Here are some steps to help you decide:

  • Identify your interests: Think about the topics you like in movies, series or conversations. This can give you a clue as to what genres you might be interested in.
  • Explore different genres: The main literary genres are lyrical, narrative and dramatic. Within these there are subgenres such as the novel, poetry, short story and essay.
  • Read genre descriptions: Look for information about the characteristics of each genre to see which one resonates most with you.
  • Try something short: If you're new to reading, start with stories or poetry which are shorter and will allow you to explore different styles quickly.
  • Attend literary events: Poetry readings or book readings can give you a better idea of what you enjoy.
  • See recommendations: Ask friends who enjoy reading for suggestions, or look online for recommendations for beginners in the genre you're interested in.

Reading remains one of the most enriching and transformative activities that we have within our reach. In these uncertain times, books stand as beacons of hope, knowledge, and human connection. So the next time you're tempted to swipe across your phone screen, consider opening a book and discover the worlds that await you within its pages.
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