Creator of NFT Worlds Comes Back With a New Game, Hytopia

17 Mar 2024

The team behind the once-thriving Minecraft-based project, NFT Worlds, is charting a new crypto game, Hytopia. NFT Worlds’ business model underwent a significant setback last year when Minecraft creator Mojang Studios imposed a ban on non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
Quick Take:

  • NFT Worlds rebrands as Hychain Games and launches the Minecraft-inspired game Hytopia on a blockchain.
  • Hytopia aims to blend the building and exploration of Minecraft with web3 technology.
  • Over 1 million players have pre-registered for the beta version of Hytopia.
  • The Hychain node sale invites the gaming community to contribute to network security and earn rewards.

The project has undergone a complete rebranding under the name Hychain Games. It is now making a name for itself with the release of its latest game, Hytopia. This new game captures the essence of Minecraft’s immersive building and exploration experience by using blockchain technology.
Hychain Games’ resurrection is focused on Hytopia, a free-to-play game inspired by Minecraft’s blocky landscapes. However, Hytopia sets itself apart by weaving web3 functionality into its fabric.

Moreover, it enables player-driven economies and authentic ownership of in-game assets. This ambitious project is built on Hychain, a Layer 2 blockchain powered by Arbitrum’s Orbit technology. It signifies a leap towards more scalable and efficient blockchain games.
The game is set to be released by the end of the first quarter with an “invite-only” beta version on the horizon. Nonetheless, Hytopia has already gained significant interest.
Pre-registrations for the game have exceeded 1 million. It shows a robust demand for a game that blends the familiar with the frontiers of digital ownership and economic interaction.

Hytopia Brings A Community-Centric Approach to Gaming

A rebranding from NFT Worlds to Hytopia represents a fundamental rethinking of how games can empower communities. The upcoming Hychain node sale is a call to gaming enthusiasts worldwide. This offers them a chance to earn rewards by contributing to the security and operation of Hytopia’s underlying network.
Initially, Hychain will sell Guardian Node keys for 0.1 ETH. However, the price will gradually increase as more keys are sold. Over the next three years, 250 million TOPIA reward tokens will be distributed to users who operate the network software. Node operators will receive a share of 25% of all network transaction fees.
Moreover, this approach only democratizes the game’s development and maintenance. It also fosters a stronger sense of ownership and investment among its player base.
The pseudonymous co-founder of Hytopia and Hychain, ArkDev, emphasizes the project’s commitment to community empowerment. Hychain Games is entrusting the community with the game’s future by decentralizing network operations. 
They are inviting players to actively participate in shaping the gaming experience. This vision is set to unfold in five phases, with the initial four reserved for whitelisted members. It ensures that early supporters and contributors are recognized and rewarded.
Hytopia is poised to offer a unique and compelling gaming experience. Also, it will be interesting to see if this new venture can redefine the experience of playing, building, and owning in the digital age as it nears its beta launch and node sale.
Afroz Ahmad

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