An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Capable of Collecting and Storing Chemically Dumped Substances

3 Jan 2024

Design Features: The vehicle has a large and spacious design with a large storage area, as well as a compact mini vehicle within it to work in tight spaces. LED lighting and GPS allow simultaneous monitoring and control of the vehicle's operations from the shore. The vehicle's location can be tracked at all times, and its advanced navigation system ensures that the main vehicle keeps itself in a safe area, using the small vehicle it contains in challenging areas. This vehicle will have an electric propulsion system and will generate energy from the collected chemicals, meeting its own energy needs while also preventing environmental pollution.

Vehicle Description: It is a large vehicle with a significant storage capacity that collects underwater chemical waste and produces electricity using this waste. It has a compact version within for operation in smaller areas and aims to combat marine pollution using electric energy.

Reflection: Challenges: It was quite challenging to incorporate all the desired features into a single vehicle. Particularly, designing a compact structure for underwater operation while also being large enough to meet my needs was a difficult task.
Learnings: Designing underwater vehicles is more complex and challenging than designing vehicles for land-based use. I gained a deeper understanding of propulsion systems, underwater navigation, and energy sources for vehicles that spend most of their operational life underwater.
AI Impact: Shaping the physical form of the vehicle I envisioned was quite challenging. During this process, with the help of AI, I quickly created a general design and continued to develop the vehicle based on my imagination. Using AI significantly shortened the project timeline and expedited the process in terms of bringing my envisioned vehicle to a physical form.

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