BounceBit Airdrop first $BTC restaking chain

12 Mar 2024

This is your last chance to participate in airdrop from BounceBit - first $BTC restaking chain

Act fast – Mainnet will be launched as early as APRIL

Read the secret condition for virtually 100% likelihood of receiving an airdrop

Cost: $0

Reward: $5,000+

About Project @bounce_bit is the world's first proprietary BTC re-staking chain, secured by steaking both bitcoins and BounceBit tokens. BounceBit's unique PoS mechanism offers a dual staking system with two tokens, ensuring BTC security and EVM compatibility. This project is a mixture of DeFi and CeFi, allowing BTC holders to earn through staking to validators, the DeFi ecosystem and CeFi's mirroring mechanism based on Ceffu and Mainnet Digital.


For 2024, the project has already managed to raise $6M from major venture capital funds:

And other major investors

$BB Faucet.

➢ Join BounceBit Discord:

❍ Verify

❍ Go to the "testnet-faucet" channel.

❍ Send a message "!bb <your Metamask wallet>" in chat.

Access to the club

➢ Go to the specified website:

❍ Scroll down the page

❍ Connect your wallet.

❍ Connect your Twitter.

❍ Click the "Start" button


➢ Go to:

❍ Click on the BitSwap tab.

❍ Exchange part of your $BB for any other tokens.


➢ Click this link:

❍ Click on "BitSwap".

❍ Select "Liquidity."

❍ Add liquidity with BB and the token you bought in the previous step.

Stake BB

➢ Go to:

❍ Connect your MetaMask wallet.

❍ Stake $BB tokens.

❍ Withdraw a part of the tokens you have previously staked after some time.

P.S. this is done in order to increase the number of transactions

Increase the chances of airdrop

❍ Open your wallet.

❍ Make 5-10 transactions between your Metamask accounts to have more on-chain activity

Write & Read to Earn with BULB

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