Electric Cars

25 Nov 2022
What Define Electric Cars?

Electric vehicles (EVs) are powered by a battery rather than a gasoline tank and have an electric motor rather than an internal combustion engine. When you put an electric automobile in 'drive,' it accelerates like an automatic vehicle. Electric and hybrid cars have no gears. They are all fully automatic vehicles.

Types of Electric Cars

There are various types of electric vehicles (EVs) on the market. Pure Electric Vehicles (EVs) are those that run entirely on electricity. With modern advancements, there are now certain electric-powered engines that can also run on gasoline or diesel; these are known as Hybrid Electric Vehicles, or Hybrids.

  • Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are a hybrid of gasoline and an electric car, consisting of a battery, an electric motor, a fuel tank, and an internal combustion engine.

How do Electric Cars work?

Electric automobiles work by connecting them to a charging station. It then proceeds to draw electricity from the grid and charge the car, just like any other electrical equipment. The electricity is stored in rechargeable batteries in the automobile, which then powers an electric motor, which turns the wheels as a typical fuel engine would.



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