Write to Earn.
BULB takes a new approach to the ownership and monetisation of content.
BULB rewards content creators.
With a unique 'Do-to-Earn' engagement model which incentivises writers and readers with tokens. BULB is on a mission to build a community that creates and shares exponential value over time.
Write to express your ideas, passion and knowledge.
Create Content
Share your passions by writing blogs on a simple, intuitive and user-friendly platform.
Collect BULB Points
Collect points by publishing an article and receiving reads, reacts, shares and comments on your content.
Earn BULB Tokens
Collecting more BULB points will improve your standing on the community leaderboard and allow you to earn a greater amount of BULB tokens from the weekly reward pool.
Shifting Power
Back To Users
Respect For Privacy And Transparency
Value Created Flows Directly To Users
Intuitive And User Focused Experience
Be Engaged. Be Rewarded.
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Write & Read to Earn with BULB
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