Research Methodology

5 Feb 2023

This is the research methodology of the research I carried out on the Effect of ICT on the Accounting Profession.

This chapter will discuss the research design and research methodology that was used in collecting and analyzing the data. The research instrument that was used and how it was administered will also be discussed.
3.2 Research design
This research work adopted survey research design. Survey research design consists of the use of questionnaire and interview methods. This is to allow the researcher systematically collect data from a sample of population using questionnaire for making inferences and drawing conclusions. During the course of this study, samples were carefully selected to represent the characteristics of the population and the sample size was chosen using appropriate method. This makes available to the researcher with the favourable circumstance to generalize the findings of the study for the whole population. The design was suitable for the study as the study sought to examine the Role of Budget and Budgetary Control a tool for Cost Control in a Manufacturing Company.
3.3 Source of data
The researcher made use of primary data for this study. Primary data involves gathering data from the original source. Primary data was collected by the researcher using questionnaires. The study adopted questionnaires in gathering information from sampled respondents.
3.4 Validity and Reliability of Instrument
The questionnaire was subjected to face content validity through the research supervisor and other research experts. A test and retest administration of the questionnaire was used by the researcher to establish the reliability of the data used for this study.
3.5 Population of the study
The population of this study concentrates on 100 staffs of Champion Breweries PLC, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.
3.6 Sampling and Sampling Technique
The study adopted a simple random sampling technique for the study due to the largeness of the population under study. The technique allows elements of the population equal opportunity of being selected. The sample size was derived statistically using Taro Yamane statistical formula.
3.7 Data Collection Techniques
Primary data was adopted for this study. The source of data was the administration of copies of questionnaire to each of the staffs in Champion Breweries PLC. The questionnaire is a structured four point Likert Scale type questionnaire which consists of two sections, section A and section B. Section A contained information in the demographic features of the respondents, while section B contained statement on the four Likert scale requiring the respondent to indicate the level of agreement to the questions asked about the Role of Budget and Budgetary Control a tool for Cost Control in a Manufacturing Company.
The following four Likert scale was adopted:
Strongly Agree (SA)​-​-​-​-​4 Points
Agree (A)​-​-​-​-​-​3 Points
Disagree (D)​-​-​-​-​-​2 Points
Strongly Disagree (SD)​-​-​-​1 Point
3.8 Model Specification
The regression models presented the dependent variable (cost control) and independent variable (planning, monitoring and control and participative budgeting) as expressed in the equation below. 
Y = βo + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + € 
Y = Cost Control
X1 = Planning 
X2 = Monitoring and Control
X3 = Participative Budgeting 
βo = Intercept,
β = Coefficient of independent variables, and 
€= error term 
3.9 Method of Data Analysis
This is the method or techniques used in processing and analyzing the data that is collected during the research work. Regression methods and correlation analysis were the major statistical methods of data analysis which were used to test the stated hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance and to empirically evaluate how the independent variable has an effect and relationship on the dependent variables of the study. 
3.10 Decision rule
The decision rule for this study states that the null hypothesis will be accepted if the p-value is greater than 0.05, otherwise reject null hypothesis if the p-value is less than 0.05

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