Splinterlands | Neutral Cards | No Allegiance to Splinters | But Still Loyal!

11 Aug 2024

Splinterlands | Neutral Cards

The Splinterlands game has multiple splinters – Earth, Water, Fire, Death, Life, and Dragon – and each has its own set of unique cards. That’s what makes a battle interesting when two different splinters clash. However, these splinters also have a common set of cards that fall under the neutral category.

The victory in the game boils down to how well we strategize rather than the type of cards. And that is even more relevant when we are left with common or neutral cards alone to play during battle.

And we will soon see one such neutral card battle. But before that, shall we spend a minute getting to know Splinterlands? After all, that’s where you will find all these fun battles, rules, and monsters.

What Game is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a digital card game that allows you to collect, trade, battle, rent, and even earn from the cards. ***The game gives Play to Earn a whole different meaning.*** By now, you would know that the governance token (SPS) airdrop made millionaires out of the early adopters. It still keeps giving and remains a fun and engaging game.
To give you an idea of how lucky you can get in Splinterlands, read my story of getting cards worth $500 from buying only a few packs worth $20.
Got Cards Worth $500 from $20 Packs
And this is just a tiny number. I have witnessed people getting uber-expensive cards in their pack and selling them for as high as $6500. In fact, there is a whole Splinterlands marketplace on the Hive blockchain and now on Wax too. And now the sales of the Rebellion packs, the newest of the lot, have also started.
Any reason not to try it out? To join, scroll down quickly. 😊

Neutral Cards

When I first started playing Splinterlands, my preference was neutral cards. Why? Because we knew exactly what they did and they were in all splinters. So, even if one of our favorite splinters was not available for a particular battle, we still had our favorite neutral cards.

Then we learned how to use the splinter-specific cards and their advantage within a splinter alongside the neutral cards. Then it progressed to using only the splinter-specific cards and then we forgot the neutral cards completely.

Until Splinterlands introduced the neutral-only rule, we forgot all gameplay with neutral cards. This rule is therefore a good departure from our normal gameplay and one way to look at the neutral cards again. I mean, who wouldn’t have loved to play with the Goblin Mech? 😊

The Battle | Frowns and Angry Brows

A quick look at the rule, and let’s get on with the battle.

While the neutral rule was in play, this battle also had the earthquake and no armor rule in play. The good part was that, my opponent got to choose from the exact same cards that I had but the not-so-good part was that I wouldn’t know which summoner he or she would use.

Will it work in my favor? Let’s find out.

The Face-Off Screen

This is how the battlefield appeared.

My team is at the bottom of the screen while the opponent’s is at the top. We both selected the Death Splinter and the exact same summoner. So, we were ditto in the selection so far. However, our monsters were different as can be seen. I had more magic monsters than the opponent.

From here it seemed that I would win. Would that be the case?


We Battle Hard

By the beginning of round 2, it looked like I had the upper hand.

However, I hadn’t catered for the earthquake rule. Notice all my monsters are low on health and the earthquake rule is yet to be applied. While the opponent just has three monsters, there is one that has a higher health. Will that be a problem?

Let’s see.

And The Battle Races to Conclusion

And it did so pretty fast.

And this is how it appeared close to the end of round three. I was smoked. You can see that my monsters are done. I, indeed, did not account for the earthquake rule. And the opponent’s high-health monster carried the team through.

Well played opponent!

A Hard-Fought Battle | An Interesting Result

I still feel if only I had planned for the earthquake rule, I would have won. But then again, we can’t have ifs and buts in battle. 😊 The opponent won this battle fair and square, and I reluctantly enjoyed it.

How about you? I hope you enjoyed reading about the battle. You can also look at it live in the link provided below. Have fun! 😊


Want to Join Splinterlands?

You can click below and follow the link. All the best!


Want to Watch the Battle I Spoke About?

Here it is:


**Image Courtesy:** Splinterlands Resources


Some Useful Sites to Give You More

Some of the good crypto-writing-earning sites:
Publish0x: Earn ETH || Bulbapp: Earn Bulb


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Horizen: Earn ZEN || Mene: Earn $5 on signup || Earn Litecoin || Earn Bitcoin || Pi Network: Mine Pi on Mobile


Few Gaming-cum-earning sites
Splinterlands || NFTPanda


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