Eating and drinking and walking around a bit.

25 Jul 2023

25 July 2023

Assalamu Alaikum. how are you all I hope you are very well. I am also very well. Today I am back with a new post as usual.

Hanging out with your varsity friends is only a varsity thing that happens after class. If not, seeing and meeting separately, moving around is not very much for us. After the class that day, we five friends decided to hang out together. And already we did not have every class that day. The first two classes were held and the last class was not. Since there was no class, there was a lot of time. So we were thinking of going around a bit. Meanwhile, among our five friends, one friend's job fell so he couldn't go with us anymore.

First we went to eat our favorite Velpuri. In college we often eat Velpuri. These college gate velpuris are very fun to eat. All of us are in bad shape after eating too much Jhal and Belpuri. With the mouth just ha! Huh! The word is coming out. I can't eat too much Jhal, I ate Belpuri with so many chillies on top of that, you can understand how my condition is. It's already hot and feels even hotter with this slather on it.

And in this bad state we decided to eat ice cream. After walking some distance, an ice cream came into view. I used to eat a lot of these ice creams in school. Then these ice creams were much smaller in size. As far as I can remember then these ice creams cost only three rupees. In the meantime, ice creams were not available in the market. But now the ice creams are available again.

Four of us took four ice creams from there. In fact, such ice creams are not eaten for a long time. I know these ice creams are not very healthy but still I like to eat such foods sometimes.

After walking with ice cream, we went to get some air conditioning. hee hee In fact, we do that sometimes. If it's hot, go to the shopping mall or the AC store. However, there was a big shopping mall next to us, so I thought we'd get some air conditioning from there and go around the mall as well. Whether I buy from the market or not, I like to walk around.

We went inside the market and wandered around looking at all the wares. Everything in that market is very expensive and fixed price. We went to a jewelry store and a friend did some shopping from there. When I got out of the market after shopping, I felt like I had come out on fire. It was very hot then.

I am leaving here today. Good luck to all. Stay well and stay healthy everyone. See you again some other day. If there is any mistake in the writing, please forgive me. Thank you all for being by my side for so long. Allah is Hafez.

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