Enhancing Web3 Access in Emerging Markets with Jambo Phone

18 Feb 2024

According to news on February 15, the Aptos Foundation and the African encryption company Jambo cooperated to launch the Jambo Phone. The core of this cooperation is to enhance Web3 access in emerging markets and enhance the influence of the Aptos network. Jambo Phones sold later will be pre-equipped with the Petra wallet and Jambo app, providing access to the Aptos ecosystem.

Potential airdrop opportunities, how to purchase jambo mobile phone in cooperation with Aptos Foundation?

Solana’s first-generation mobile phone airdrop made buyers earn a lot of money, triggering a wave of web3 mobile phone craze. According to the latest data, the pre-order volume of Solana Mobile’s second mobile phone “Chapter 2” has exceeded 100,000 units, and sales exceeded 45 million US dollars ( $450 (standalone)

The co-founder of Aptos said that the birth of the Aptos mainnet was to promote financial inclusion, and the cooperation with Jambo is rewriting the rules of the Internet and finance on a global scale. What is Jambo Phone? How to buy a Jambo Phone and what are the potential benefits of buying a Jambo Phone? In this article, Aptos Global works with you to explore potential airdrop opportunities - Jambo Phone.

Potential airdrop opportunities, how to purchase jambo mobile phone in cooperation with Aptos Foundation?

What is Jambo Phone?
Jambo Phone is a smartphone launched by web3 company Jambo. It sells for $99 and is now sold in more than 40 countries/regions. It is designed to help users in Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America open the digital economy. It is currently the largest cryptocurrency in Africa. project. In May 2022, Jambo has completed a US$30 million Series A financing, led by Paradigm, with participation from Pantera Capital, Delphi Ventures, Kingsway Capital and Gemini Frontier Fund.

How to buy Jambo Phone?
1) Click on the web link:


2) Click "buy now" to enter the purchase page. You can see that the unit price of Jambo Phone is 99 US dollars, and the shipping fee is 30 US dollars, which totals 129 US dollars;

Potential airdrop opportunities, how to purchase jambo mobile phone in cooperation with Aptos Foundation?

3) Enter the address filling page and correctly fill in your email, name, phone number, and address (delivery address) as required.

Potential airdrop opportunities, how to purchase jambo mobile phone in cooperation with Aptos Foundation?

4) Confirm the delivery fee and click "continue"

Potential airdrop opportunities, how to purchase jambo mobile phone in cooperation with Aptos Foundation?

5) Enter the payment method, alipay and triple A. The author has tried but failed. You can use visa credit card to pay. If the payment is successful, just wait for the express delivery.

Potential airdrop opportunities, how to purchase jambo mobile phone in cooperation with Aptos Foundation?

According to Twitter blogger @0xDy_eth, the phone was shipped from Guangzhou, with the words "Made in China" written on it. And according to the blogger's evaluation, the parameters of the mobile phone are very average and can only be used as a mobile phone for the elderly.

Potential airdrop opportunities, how to purchase jambo mobile phone in cooperation with Aptos Foundation?

Why buy Jambo Phone?
@JamboTechnology is led by Paradiam, which raised US$30 million in Series A financing. It has a strong investment background. Compared with the previously popular Solana Mobile Saga, which sells for 450U, it is much more favorable. The total mobile phone fee and shipping cost are only 130U, and no transshipment is required. , can be mailed directly to your home.

The previous generation of Solana mobile phones airdropped tokens several times the value of the phone itself in the built-in dapp. A very important reason for buying a Jambo phone is to take advantage of the airdrop opportunities. In addition to built-in common web3 apps, such as X, Discord, Metamask, etc., Jambo mobile phone also has some cooperative dapps. Especially after cooperation with the aptos foundation, more aptos ecological apps will be built-in, and the opportunity for airdrops cannot be ruled out.

In addition, Jambo phone also has its own dapp Jambo Earn, which is the core dapp for making coins on mobile phones. The main way to play is to earn coins by completing tasks. Most of the tasks are to experience and interact with its partner apps. After completion, you can obtain it by submitting a certificate. Token.

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