What is BNB?

19 Jan 2024

BNB coin is a cryptocurrency created by the popular global cryptocurrency exchange, Binance. It was launched in 2017 as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain but has since migrated to its own native blockchain called the Binance Chain. The primary purpose of BNB coin is to serve as a utility token within the Binance ecosystem. Users can use it for various purposes such as paying transaction fees on the exchange platform, participating in initial exchange offerings (IEOs), and purchasing virtual gifts or merchandise from partners who accept it as payment. One unique aspect about this cryptocurrency is that it offers discounts when used to pay for trading fees on the Binance platform. This means users can save money while also taking advantage of other benefits offered by using this digital asset. Overall, BNB coin has become increasingly popular due to its connection with one of the largest and most trusted exchanges within the crypto industry. As more people adopt cryptocurrencies for different uses; I believe that understanding their features will be crucial towards making informed investment decisions.

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