Want to earn Solana ecosystem airdrop? Read on

2 Nov 2023

Yo, fam! You know what time it is? It’s all about those $SOL airdrops, and I’m here to drop some wisdom on you. Two months back, that was the sweet spot, but don’t stress, ’cause we’re still in the game!

Today I am keeping it short and sharing a under the radar dApp in the Solana ecosystem.

Jito Network

What is Jito Network? Jito Network is not your typical staking platform. It’s MEV Powered, which means it leverages the power of Maximum Extractable Value to give you the best rewards possible. MEV rewards are just the beginning of what you can achieve with Jito Network.

Jito Points — The Key to Rewards: At the heart of Jito Network is the ingenious Jito Points system. These points are designed to reward and incentivize JitoSOL holders and users. There are multiple ways to earn Jito Points, so let’s break it down:

1. Holding JitoSOL: The simplest way to start earning is by holding JitoSOL in your wallet. For every JitoSOL you hold, you’ll earn 1 point every day. The points accrue daily, based on a snapshot of your JitoSOL holdings from the inception of the project to the launch of the points system and beyond.

2. Engaging in DeFi Activities: If you’re into DeFi, Jito Network has something special for you. Liquidity Providers (LPs) earn 2 points for each JitoSOL they have in DeFi platforms, every single day. Since LP positions are two-sided, you’ll earn 2 points for every JitoSOL in Total Value Locked (TVL) per day. For example, if you have a LP position with 1 JitoSOL and 1 SOL (~0.95 JitoSOL), you’ll earn 3.9 points daily. Concentrated liquidity pools have a slight variation, where out-of-range positions earn 1 point per JitoSOL-equivalent TVL. If you’re into margin products, it’s 1.5 points per JitoSOL per day.

3. Referrals: Sharing the love also pays off. When you refer others to Jito Network, you’ll earn a cool 10% of the points they accumulate. It’s all about spreading the word and growing the community.

In the future, Jito Network has even more in store for you, like the potential to earn Bonus Points through stake account conversions and other exciting activities. So, if you’re a JitoSOL holder or looking to dive into the Solana ecosystem, Jito Network is the place to be for a rewarding journey. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

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