about cubism and picasso

1 Feb 2024

Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in Spain, but Picasso is not his full name, it is a shortened version. The real name of the artist consists of 23 words. His real name is Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso. Picasso's father, who is known as the father of cubism, is also an artist and earns his living through art.

However, when Picasso painted his first painting at the age of 13, his father saw the painting and thought that Picasso would be much better than him in the future and, interestingly, stopped painting.

First Communion (Drawn by Picasso when he was 15)

Here are a few examples of cubism paintings

Some interesting facts about Picasso
-Everyone knows Pablo Picasso as a painter, but there was a period when he became famous in his close circle for writing poetry, and he even used poetry in his paintings and compared the flower to a woman in his paintings, that is, he used the metaphor method that belongs to poetry.

-Contrary to popular belief, Picasso produced work in almost all kinds of aesthetic fields, for example: jewelry making, ceramics, printing, photography, sculpture.

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