They made me believe Santa was real

5 Mar 2023

They used to lecture me on being moral
They once advised me to stop pouting and mentioned Santa Claus to me.
Also, they used to predict his arrival.

After that, I used to scan the sky for sparks in the hopes that they would herald the appearance of reindeer, bells, and presents under our Christmas tree.

I used to stare at the stars for about half of my life, and I used to forget about Santa Clause and when he was going to bring me a gift.

He has been on my waiting list.
I kept glancing out the window because I was young and exuberant at the time.
awaiting his appearance

But he did not arrive.
Up till this point in my life,
I live my own life and am a part of "reality"

Yet, I'm backtracking now.
I can't help but go back to how they used to tell me about Santa Claus, and I've always wanted him to be real.

I wanted him to be honest.
I hope with all of my heart that He will return someday and provide me the greatest gift I have ever desired.

And I've always tried to do the right thing, I never complain, and I always believed in Santa Claus.
that even though it will never actually happen, he will one day give me the greatest present I have ever desired.

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