Unveiling Potential: 4 Promising Projects Within the SUI Network

21 Jan 2024

SUI has been making waves in the crypto community lately, and it’s clear that more and more people are recognizing its potential. With significant capital flowing into the SUI chain over the past two months, it’s evident that something big is happening. Numerous exciting projects are emerging on the SUI network, and I’ve compiled a list of some you should definitely keep an eye on.

Navi Protocol

Navi Protocol stands out as a one-stop liquidity solution on SUI, offering users the chance to engage as liquidity providers or borrowers in the SUI Ecosystem. Navi Protocol currently holds the #2 spot among SUI DeFi Protocols, with Total Value Locked (TVL) of approximately $54.5 million. Navi has just introduced the Leaderboard, allowing early contributors to join the protocol and accumulate points, participants will be in line for airdrops once NAVI tokens are released. Navi Protocol has recently teamed up with Volo, a decentralized liquid staking protocol. This partnership enhances user options on the platform, solidifying Navi’s position as the Liquidity Hub on Sui.

How to maximize your Navi Points:

  1. Go to: https://app.naviprotocol.io/?code=404348826971803648
  2. Connect and Fund your Sui Wallet.
  3. Click on the “Volo” section.
  4. Stake your SUI for vSUI > Supply vSUI at Navi > Earn weekly points.

Aftermath Finance

Aftermath is crafting an all-in-one platform on Sui, blending trading, investing, and yield-earning in a fast, cost-effective, and transparent manner. They aim to deliver an intuitive user experience across all their markets. Aftermath Finance has achieved a TVL of $30M across the entire Aftermath Ecosystem, hitting an all-time high of $2M in 24-hour trading volume via their DEX aggregator. With growing partnerships and the hype on the Sui network, Aftermath is emerging as a potential project to watch. Although they’re currently tokenless, there’s a high likelihood that Aftermath might unveil their tokens for users upon launch.

How to Qualified Aftermath future airdrop:

  1. Go to: https://aftermath.finance/trade?fromCoin=0x2%3A%3Asui%3A%3ASUI&toCoin=0x5d4b302506645c37ff133b98c4b50a5ae14841659738d6d733d59d0d217a93bf%3A%3Acoin%3A%3ACOIN&referrer=0x7629f50788ce107ab05210007e4087999958c627780a2dad74d499a1edd39dce
  2. Stake your SUI for afSUI > Go to farm > Lock your afSUI/SUI LP to get more rewards.


AtlanSui is an upcoming NFT project on Sui with a mission to enhance the utility of $SUI NFTs. Interestingly, they haven’t opened their Discord channel yet. Definitely one to watch!. Just follow their twitter and wait for further announcement!. Join their discord when opened!.

Follow AtlanSui Twitter: https://twitter.com/AtlansuiLab

Sui Farm

Sui Farm is farming game on the Sui network, and they’re currently in the testnet phase. Participants in the testnet will be rewarded by converting their testnet token $tSF into $SF, the native token. They have set aside 5% of their token supply for an airdrop. Also, don’t miss out on their zealy challenge with a prize pool of 20,000 $SF tokens!.

How to Qualified $SF Airdrop:

  1. Go to testnet site: https://testnet.suifarm.xyz?ref=z09YC2I2on
  2. Connect your Sui wallet and X Account. Upon entering the game, you’ll automatically receive 100 $tSF for free to buy your own seed.
  3. Tap into the ‘Seed Shop’ and carefully choose the type of seed you would like to plant.
  4. Navigate to the ‘Farm’, select your preferred seeds, and sow them into the soil plots to initiate the planting process.
  5. After you’ve sown your seeds, water them three times before they can be harvested. Keep a close eye on the bottom left of the screen, where you can track the ‘Watering Time’, ‘Time Remaining’, and the anticipated ‘Reward’ for each soil plot.
  6. Join Sui Farm Zealy Challenge: https://zealy.io/c/suifarm/invite/QipjxubSWuLgrHqqmvNUs
  7. Complete task and earn additional rewards.


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