
13 Mar 2024

Airdrop: Presale & Old DEX Participants

All token holders from the Presale, including those who bought from DEX will get an airdrop at the improved price and supply by 17/03/24.

Payout is adjusted proportionately to the new total supply, but their value is greater. The new and improved tokenomics are more beneficial as the new presale starting price has been set at the new CA starting price.

Meaning: Presale & Old CA DEX tokens are now worth more!

See improvements below.
0.0000000020 (Old CA Starting Price)
0.0000000109 (Old CA Presale)
0.000000035 (New CA Airdrop)
0.000000035 (New CA Starting Price)
0.0000005055 (New CA Current Price)

Total Supply:
Old CA Supply: 100T
New CA Supply: 6T
Market Cap:
Old CA: $50–100K
New CA: $2M-$3M

I sent ETH from a CEX wallet, how do I get back PGENZ?

If you used an exchange, we can’t send your tokens back to your wallet or they will be lost forever. Please complete the form linked below:

Verification Process: Presale CEX Wallet Participants

I used my personal wallet, why is my payout delayed past 12/03/24?

We acknowledge that this may be inconvenient, however the painstaking task of differentiating CEX wallets with personal wallets takes some time.

We are aiming to send these out much sooner than those who require CEX wallet verification, on or by 17/03/24. Thank you for understanding.

I bought from DEX on the old CA, do I get an Airdrop?

Yes, if you participated at launch on DEX, you will get tokens proportion to the ETH you put in based on the new supply.
Airdrop date: 17/03/24.

I bought a 20B token supply from DEX for $1 ETH, will I still get 20B?

Our calculation is based on the new CA starting price and how much in ETH and fiat value was pooled from ~1200 wallets that joined the old DEX launch.

  • Total Tokens: 0.25 trillion
  • Total Money Pooled: ~$60,000
  • Price per Token: $0.000000035


  • $3,500 (1 ETH): You’d get around 14.6 million tokens.
  • $350 (0.0002 ETH): You’d get about 1.5 million tokens.
  • $1 (0.091 ETH): You’d receive around 4,166 tokens.

Please note, the above illustration is an example only. Most token purchases were in the $1 range, while some were up to $350, creating a pool of approximately $60,000 (equivalent to around 15 ETH), which has been transferred to the new liquidity pool (LP) and locked.
Those who contributed more will receive a higher proportion of tokens.
The final payout will vary based on the rules outlined above.

Was the CA relaunch worth it?

We understand many thought the worst, it’s normal.

We’ve made considerable effort, rectified errors, and prioritised protecting supporters from market volatility. Our success isn’t tied to presale funds, LP, or token allocation. We aim to build a lasting legacy with multiple games and a dedicated community.

But please rest assured that the decision to launch a new CA with better tokenomics and restrictions at launch has already proven to be a wise one.

All presale and old DEX tokens are now worth more!

Hacker’s Gift for the PGENZ!

Hacker wallets that bought up to 20% of the supply using malcious sniper bots at the DEX launch won’t get their airdrop tokens. Instead, these tokens will go to other presale and DEX launch participants, while their ETH stays locked in the LP for the community’s benefit.

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