16 Feb 2024

Hello everyone,

Let's start getting to know the warden protocol in our article with the slogan of new beginnings, new hopes. Of course, what I will publish is completely contained in the documents of WP.

goals goals farsightedness there is a new beginning here a new platform that I have included among the solid projects that can be supported



Welcome to the Documentation Site for the Warden Protocol!
We are excited to have you here as we put in the effort to develop a detailed and accessible documentation portal. The Warden Protocol is an intent-centric blockchain that enables various execution layers for interoperability, modular key management and smart contract execution. While our documentation site is a work in progress, it will eventually emerge as your comprehensive resource for navigating the Warden Protocol and leveraging its advantages to the fullest.
Within these pages, you'll uncover thorough instructions on how to begin, complete with step-by-step tutorials for users, developers, and network participants (such as validators and keychain operators). Regardless of if you're a developer aiming to incorporate the Warden Protocol into your projects, or a user eager to delve into the capabilities of blockchain technology, our documentation will equip you with the necessary tools in anticipation of our forthcoming Alfama testnet launch.
Your patience and interest in the Warden Protocol are greatly appreciated.


Warden Protocol

The Warden Protocol is an intent-centric protocol, built on the Cosmos SDK, that enables various execution layers for interoperability, modular key management and smart contract execution.

  • Intents - think of Intents as the protocol's understanding of your transaction objectives. The protocol interprets your Intent and takes the necessary actions to ensure that your transaction aligns with your goals.
  • Keychains - a modular key management marketplace enables you to pick from MPC operators, custodians, and HSM operators.
  • Interoperability - leveraging the Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol or on-demand MPC Keychain operators, Warden makes blockchain interoperability easy and secure.


The Warden Protocol is an intent-centric protocolbuilt on the Cosmos SDK, that enables various execution layers for interoperabilitymodular key management and smart contract execution.
Let's break this down and explain it in a very simple way:

An intent-centric protocol

In a blockchain context, intents are sets of rules that govern how transactions are validated and executed within the network. Intents, in this case, refer to the predefined conditions or criteria within the protocol that determine whether a transaction can proceed.
Imagine you're playing a game with specific rules. Before you can take a certain action, like moving your game piece, you need to ensure you follow the rules of the game. If you do, you can make your move. If not, you're not allowed to proceed.
Similarly, in a blockchain protocol, intents act as the rules of the game. They are the conditions that the network checks before allowing a transaction to be processed. These conditions might include factors like the sender's identity, the transaction amount, or the current state of the blockchain.
If the transaction meets all the conditions specified by the intents in the protocol, it's approved and added to the blockchain. However, if it fails to meet any of the conditions, the protocol will reject the transaction, ensuring that only valid transactions are processed.
This is why Warden Protocol is considered an intent-centric protocol, as every transaction will be routed through intents.

Built on Cosmos SDK

Think of constructing a custom computer. Instead of designing and manufacturing every component from scratch, you start with a high-quality motherboard that supports a wide range of processors, memory, and peripherals. This motherboard acts as a foundation, simplifying the assembly process and ensuring compatibility and performance.
Similarly, building on the Cosmos SDK is like starting with that high-quality motherboard when developing a blockchain application. The Cosmos SDK provides a foundational framework and set of tools that we can use to create Warden Protocol more efficiently. It offers essential features out of the box, allowing our team to focus on the unique aspects of our project rather than the underlying infrastructure. Essentially, using the Cosmos SDK accelerates development and enhances the capabilities of Warden.

Various execution layers for interoperability

Imagine the global internet as a vast network of different websites and online services, each using different formats and protocols. Sending information or conducting transactions directly between these services can be tricky because of their differing standards.
In the context of blockchain, "various execution layers for interoperability" are akin to multiple universal adapters or translators designed to connect these diverse online services seamlessly. Each layer specializes in translating and facilitating the exchange of information or transactions between different blockchain networks, much like how internet protocols allow for the smooth exchange of data across different web platforms.
This means assets, data, or transactions can move freely across various blockchain systems, thanks to these execution layers acting collectively. They ensure that despite the unique characteristics of each blockchain, there's a common ground for interoperability, enhancing the connectivity and functionality of the blockchain ecosystem as a whole.

Modular key management

Rather than depending on a single provider for managing your wallet keys, modular key management allows you to select from a variety of options (keychains). These keychains allow you to request wallet addresses (public keys) and they will sign upon request with the private key. Looking ahead, it will be possible to distribute the responsibility of a single key's management across several different keychains with dMultisig.

Smart contract execution

Smart contract execution ought to be straightforward, shouldn't it? It enables developers to easily create and launch their smart contract dapps on the Warden Protocol.
Now that we have learned about the technical complex matters, let's focus on how do you interact with Warden?
For users Use the most secure multi-chain multi-sig wallet. Create Spaces, protect your wallets with intents and interact with with the web3 space through SpaceWard.
SpaceWard is the front-end for the Warden Protocol, enabling multi-chain wallet management.
For builders Build on Warden or any compatible blockchain, protected by intents and modular key management operators.

What are intents?

Q: What are intents? A: Intents are like rules or conditions within a blockchain protocol that determine whether a transaction can proceed. They define the criteria that must be met for a transaction to be considered valid and added to the blockchain.
Q: How do intents work? A: Intents act as predefined conditions that the network checks before approving a transaction: if a transaction meets all the conditions set by the intents, it is approved and added to the blockchain. Otherwise, it is rejected.
Q: Why are intents important? A: Intents ensure that only valid transactions are processed on the blockchain, maintaining its security and integrity. They help establish trust by enforcing the rules that govern the network's operations.

What is SpaceWard?

Q: What is SpaceWard? A: SpaceWard is the front-end interface for the Warden Protocol, a blockchain protocol designed for multi-chain wallet management and interaction with the web3 space. It provides users with a user-friendly platform to access and manage their wallets, create Spaces (protected environments for wallets), and interact with decentralized applications (dApps) and other components of the web3 ecosystem.
Q: What can you do with SpaceWard? A: With SpaceWard, users can securely manage their multi-chain multi-signature wallets, create Spaces to protect their wallets with intents, and seamlessly interact with various components of the web3 space, including decentralized applications, smart contracts, and other blockchain-based services.
Q: Why is SpaceWard important? A: SpaceWard simplifies the user experience for interacting with blockchain networks and decentralized services. It provides an intuitive interface for managing wallets and accessing the features of the Warden Protocol, making blockchain technology more accessible to a wider audience.

What is Modular Key Management?

Q: What is modular key management? A: Modular key management refers to a flexible approach to managing cryptographic keys used in blockchain systems. Instead of relying on a single provider for key management, users have the option to choose from a variety of key management solutions, or keychains. These keychains allow users to generate and store their wallet addresses (public keys) securely and sign transactions with their private keys.
Q: How does modular key management work? A: With modular key management, users can select key management solutions that best suit their security and usability preferences. They can distribute the responsibility of key management across multiple keychains, enhancing security and reducing the risk of single points of failure. In the context of the Warden Protocol, modular key management ensures that users have greater control over their cryptographic keys and can choose the most suitable key management solutions for their needs.
Q: What are the benefits of modular key management? A: Modular key management provides users with flexibility, security, and interoperability in managing their cryptographic keys. It allows them to choose from a range of key management solutions, adapt to changing security requirements, and integrate with different blockchain systems and applications. By decentralizing key management, modular key management enhances the resilience and trustworthiness of blockchain networks and ensures that users maintain control over their digital assets.

How does Warden Protocol work?

The Warden Protocol is an intent-centric blockchain that enables various execution layers for interoperability, modular key management and smart contract execution.

How does it work?

In this guide, we outline the process of securely conducting transactions across multiple blockchain platforms using intent-based operations. This streamlined workflow empowers both users and developers with an efficient and user-friendly method for multi-chain interactions. Here's how it works:

  1. Users have the flexibility to initiate transactions from their preferred decentralized application (dApp) across any Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) or Cosmos-based dApp. These transactions originate from wallets that users have previously created using one of the available Keychains.
  2. Upon initiation, the transaction passes through a series of intents. These intents act as checkpoints that either approve or reject the transaction based on pre-established conditions.
  3. When the intents validate and approve the transaction, the system then communicates with the Keychain associated with the user's wallet, requesting a signature for the transaction.
  4. Once signed, the transaction is then broadcast to the appropriate blockchain network for execution.

By following this procedure, users and developers can efficiently carry out secure, intent-based operations across multiple blockchain networks, enhancing the usability and accessibility of multi-chain ecosystems.

SpaceWard Intro

SpaceWard is the front-end for the Warden Protocol, enabling multi-chain wallet management.
For users Use the most secure multi-chain multi-sig wallet. Create Spaces, protect your wallets with intents and interact with with the web3 space.
For builders Build on Warden or any compatible blockchain, protected by intents and modular key management operators.
To engage with SpaceWard, a Cosmos wallet is required, which must be connected. This connection enables the addition of the Warden Protocol chain, facilitating interaction with both SpaceWard and the protocol.

Overview of the main actions

Within SpaceWard, you have the ability to carry out a wide range of protocol-related activities:

  1. Establish and choose spaces.
  2. Produce keys (wallet addresses).
  3. Examine all assets contained within your keys.
  4. Check and execute operations based on your activities (for example, approving intent requests).
  5. Set up and oversee intents.
  6. Initiate transactions to transfer and acquire assets.
  7. Connect with decentralized applications (dApps) through WalletConnect or access them via the Apps repository.
  8. Monitor transaction progress and access details via the Explorer.
  9. Acquire WARD on the testnet by utilizing the faucet.

How to connect your wallet

To use SpaceWard, you must link your Cosmos wallet. Please select "Connect Wallet" on the homepage to proceed.After connecting, you'll be asked to sign a transaction. By signing, you'll add the Warden Protocol chain to your wallet, thereby generating your exclusive Warden address.

How to get test WARD

To conduct transactions using the Warden Protocol through SpaceWard (or any other wallet), you must get test WARD tokens from our faucet.
To obtain test WARD, start by selecting your connected wallet, then proceed by clicking on "GET WARD."

How to create a Space

A space functions as a management hub for a collection of keys, akin to an organization. It enables you to maintain separate spaces for distinct purposes, such as distinguishing between personal and professional uses.
To initiate the creation of a space, click on the icon marked with ">>" located to the right of your current active space, which allows you to manage your spaces.Following that, click on "+ New." This action prompts your Cosmos wallet to execute a transaction that facilitates the creation of your new space.After the blockchain confirms the transaction, your newly established space will be available for use.

How to request a new key (wallet address)

To obtain a new key, navigate to the Keys section in the menu.
Then, click on "Create Key."Next, select the type of Key and the Keychain you wish to operate from, and then click on "Create." For this instance, we will opt for an Ethereum Sepolia test address.Your Cosmos wallet will prompt you to approve a transaction request. After confirmation of the transaction, your key (wallet) will be prepared for use.

Block Explorer

At SpaceWard, you have the capability to monitor the status of transactions, space creation, intents, and more via the block explorer.
To access the block explorer, utilize the navigation panel located on the left side of the screen.

WARD Token

WARD is the native utility token integral to the Warden Protocol ecosystem. It is designed to facilitate various operations such as governance, staking, protocol fees and as a medium of payment for operators.Phases The Warden Protocol will operate based on a number of “Phases”, which denote the progress of Warden and its various milestones. These Phases will be used to detail the incentives available to various participants and the optimal monetary policy.
The Phases will be split into:

  1. The Primordial Phase - the earliest phase in Warden’s development, where the highest incentives will be used to achieve a successful mainnet, token genesis and growth trajectory.
  2. The Photon Phase - a phase of maturity where Warden is, via community governance, continuously optimising its monetary policy to achieve sustainable growth.
  3. The Supernova Phase - a phase of maturity where Warden’s core product market fit has been established and a period of long term predictable incentives and monetary policy are curated by the community.


Demand Drivers The Warden Protocol aims to drive a sustainable equilibrium between supply and demand of WARD. To drive demand of WARD, there will be a number of intrinsic demand drivers built into the protocol:

  • Transaction Fees - All fees generated are distributed across WARD validators and their stakers.
  • Operator Bonds - Operators of services must bond WARD, reducing the circulating supply of WARD and enhancing the protocol’s collective security and stability.
  • Governance - WARD will be used for community governance initiatives, creating a last need for a meaningful stake in Warden.

Keychain Operators Keychain Operators serve a vital role within the Warden Protocol - a Keychain is an off-chain service that provides key management services to Warden users. The selected Keychain creates and stores the key material locally and publishes the public key information via Warden. Users can then request signatures for various purposes.
Keychains are required to pay a WARD bond to the Warden Protocol by the Total Value Secured concept. This WARD bond is locked and can only be unbonded after a 6 month notice period.
Validator Bonds To operate a validator on the Warden Protocol, validators will be required to stake WARD.


Main WARD Distribution
Distribution Description
Release Schedule

Fair Launch Mechanism The WARD token distribution will adopt a fair launch mechanism. This approach ensures a wide and equitable distribution of tokens, preventing market manipulation and ensuring a rapid distribution of stakeholders and community governance.
Prioritization of QRDO Holders QRDO Holders will be recognized for their early and ongoing support, along with other eligible protocols and platforms that have contributed to the foundations and culture that has given Warden Protocol the ability to launch.


The Warden Protocol will distribute WARD to stakeholders to incentivise behaviours that add value to the Warden ecosystem.
Incentive Programmes

  1. Ecosystem & Community Incentives - these incentives will be used to grow the ecosystem and further the long-term interests of the protocol,
  2. Developer Incentives - these incentivises are for developers building and deploying applications on Warden. Additionally, an Activity Mining Programme will be launched rewarding applications that reach certain milestones (e.g. total value locked, monthly active users), and their users.
  3. R&D Programmes - where Warden Protocol would benefit from additional core functionailty, or integrations, Warden will commission work to developer teams to contribute to the core execution layers of the protocol.

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