What is OPBNB Network?

23 Jan 2024

What is OpBNB Network?

The opBNB network serves as the Layer 2 scaling solution for the BNB Smart Chain, utilizing the bedrock version of the Optimism OP Stack. Its functionality involves offloading transaction processing and resource utilization from the BNB Smart Chain, while simultaneously recording data on the underlying mainnet. Users engage with the opBNB network by transferring funds from BSC and employing applications and contracts within opBNB. Sequencers aggregate transactions, calculate state transitions, and submit them to the rollup contract on BSC. Provers generate cryptographic proofs validating the legitimacy of these state transitions, while Verifiers scrutinize the proofs to confirm the correctness of the opBNB state. At its essence, opBNB enables users to deposit and withdraw funds, utilize smart contracts, and access network data with enhanced throughput and minimal fees. Through the utilization of Layer 2, opBNB can overcome the limitations of the BNB Smart Chain, offering an improved user experience.

Besides the differentiators of bedrock, opBNB is the solution that we aim to provide the best optimisitic solution on the BSC. Capacity can reach to > 100m gas per second, which is mucher higher than other layer 2 solutions on the Ethereum. Gas fee of transfer can reach as low as $0.001 on average. block time is 1 second.

Why do we need opBNB

Why opBNB is Essential:

  1. Addressing Web3 Application Challenges: Large-scale Web3 applications, including games, social networks, the metaverse, and high-frequency trading, face significant challenges when directly built on Layer 1 chains like BNB Smart Chain, Ethereum, and Polygon. These networks were not initially designed to handle the high transaction volumes and intensive daily active users of such applications.
  2. Gas Fee and Network Responsiveness Issues: Applications like Crypto Blades on BSC with substantial daily active users and transaction volumes can overload the BNB Smart Chain, resulting in unacceptable gas fees and network responsiveness. The gas fees of Layer 1 chains are often too expensive for many games and applications, which generally prefer low or no fees.
  3. Layer 2 Scaling Solutions: Layer 2 scaling solutions built on top of Layer 1 chains offer a solution to these challenges. They can provide high throughput beyond Layer 1 constraints, and opBNB, built on the OP Stack framework, is designed to deliver scalability beyond the limitations of Layer 1 chains.
  4. Performance and Throughput: opBNB is designed for high performance, aiming for an impressive capacity of 100 million gas per second. It achieves over 4,000 Transactions Per Second (TPS), making it suitable for large-scale Web3 applications that require efficient transaction processing.
  5. Cost Efficiency: One of opBNB's key features is its cost efficiency. It maintains gas fees under $0.001 on average for transfer transactions, significantly reducing transaction costs compared to standard Layer 1 fees, thereby making it more affordable for a broader user base.
  6. Compatibility with BNB Smart Chain: opBNB aligns its parameters with the BNB Smart Chain, ensuring compatibility. For example, the block time matches BNB Chain's block time of 1 second, leading to faster transaction processing compared to other Layer 2 solutions.
  7. Security Measures: opBNB employs sequencers, provers, and verifiers to ensure secure state transitions and transactions. Its rollup is secured by the consensus and data availability solutions of the BNB Smart Chain, providing robust security.
  8. Flexibility and Interoperability: Built on the OP Stack foundation, opBNB offers a modular and replaceable execution design, enhancing flexibility. It can also interoperate with other Layer 2 platforms supporting EVM and Solidity, promoting an open and collaborative ecosystem.
  9. Data Availability and Community Engagement: opBNB separates the Data Availability (DA) layer from the execution layer, addressing data accessibility. The launch of the opBNB testnet and mainnet involves the community, fostering strong engagement and contributing to the platform's evolution.
  10. Leveraging BNB Ecosystem: opBNB leverages the active user base of the BNB ecosystem, gaining a competitive edge over platforms lacking such a network effect. Integration with the BNB ecosystem allows opBNB to offer secure, scalable, and cost-effective solutions, utilizing the BNB token for faster and cheaper transactions.

opBNB vs other Layer1 Networks

Accessibility and Contact:
If you wish to learn more, share your thoughts and suggestions, or simply engage in conversation, feel free to reach out to me through the following channels:
Twitter: khubatt.apt
Discord: khubatt

I'm always available on these platforms. Don't hesitate to get in touch. I look forward to answering your questions and interacting with you!


BNB Smart Chain (BSC): Bring Smart Contracts to BNB Chain
opBNB: High-Performance Optimistic Layer 2 Solution for BNB Smart Chain (bnbchain.org)

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