Tarhana soup - Nasreddin

2 Jan 2024
Tarhana soup

One day, Nasreddin Hodja had a craving for tarhana soup. While he was dreaming of cutting bread and drinking soup, there was a knock on his door.

It was the next door neighbor's son.

- Teacher, my mother is very sick, we couldn't cook. "If you have a bowl of soup, can you give it to me?" he said.

Hearing this, Hodja said to himself:

These neighbors are a blast too! "They even manage to smell the dreams I dream," he said.

One day, Nasreddin Hodja had a craving for tarhana soup. While he was dreaming of cutting bread and drinking soup, there was a knock on his door.

It was the next door neighbor's son.

- Teacher, my mother is very sick, we couldn't cook. "If you have a bowl of soup, can you give it to me?" he said.

Hearing this, Hodja said to himself:

These neighbors are a blast too! "They even manage to smell the dreams I dream," he said.

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