What is Injective Protocol (INJ)?

22 Jan 2024

Injective (INJ) is a leading decentralized exchange (DEX). The Injective protocol offers its users cross-chain margin trading, futures and forward forex trading.

In decentralized exchanges, cryptocurrency buying and selling transactions take place between peers directly and without intermediaries. Transactions occur on the blockchain and are recorded in the blockchain. Therefore, trading on decentralized exchanges is extremely safe. However, transactions cannot be reversed or canceled.

The Injective protocol was established to enable margin trading, futures and forward forex transactions with cryptocurrencies in a decentralized manner. Injective Protocol has no central governing body; The protocol is managed by users.

The Injective protocol is built as a Layer-1 implementation on the Cosmos (ATOM) blockchain. However, the protocol also uses cross-chain bridges to allow traders to access cryptocurrencies from platforms such as Ethereum (ETH) and Polkadot (DOT).

Unlike other popular decentralized exchanges like Uniswap (UNI), the Injective protocol does not use an automated market maker (AMM) to manage liquidity. Instead, Injective uses the order book model that has been widely used on centralized crypto exchanges for years. Thus, it aims to combine the efficiency of traditional finance and centralized cryptocurrency exchanges with the transparency of decentralized exchanges.
The basis of the Injective project is Injective Chain. The Injective Exchange decentralized exchange structure was developed on this chain.

INJ token project

INJ token is the cryptocurrency of the Injective protocol and the Injective Exchange decentralized exchange.
With the INJ token, standard market maker and taker fees are paid on the Injective Exchange decentralized exchange. At the same time, INJ token is used in the governance of Injective Chain. Users who stake INJ tokens have a say in the decisions to be made regarding the future of Injective Chain and the Injective project.
INJ token also plays a role in the security of the Injective protocol, which uses the Proof of Stake consensus mechanism.

Who are the founders of the Injective (INJ) project?

Injective Labs, the company behind the Injective (INJ) project, was founded by Eric Chen and Albert Chon in 2018.

Eric Chen began his professional career in 2014 after graduating from finance at NYU Stern business school. After working as a research assistant at Desay Sv Automotive, Chen worked as an analyst at AXA Advisors. In 2017, he became an Innovating Capital researcher.

Albert Chon graduated from Stanford University with a master's degree in Computer Science. He worked as an engineer at Linc Global in 2017. In 2018, just before co-founding Injective, he took a job as a software development engineer at Amazon.

What makes the Injective (INJ) project special?

Unlike many other decentralized exchanges, Injective uses the order book model preferred by centralized exchanges instead of the automatic market maker model. In this way, it combines the transparency of decentralization with the efficiency of the order book model.

The Injective protocol also allows traders to access cryptocurrencies on platforms such as Ethereum (ETH) and Polkadot (DOT) through cross-chain bridges.

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