Airdrop 49 :Blast latest pump markets free airdrop, come and claim it now!

15 Mar 2024

Airdrop 49 :Blast latest pump markets free airdrop, come and claim it now!

Blast has also been popular with airdrops recently, since Tieshun set a precedent for integral PUA, everyone has learned, and they are still enjoying it, and today there is a new project opened, let's take a look.
Tired of losing revenue and locking up money on clunky, expensive pre-IPO platforms? We are revolutionizing the game by introducing P2P trading of points and pre-listing tokens, eliminating these pain points and earning up to around 15% collateral yield. Capital-efficient points and pre-listing markets: Pump supports P2P trading of points and pre-listing tokens for any project. Users can create buy or sell orders in a decentralized manner without the need for any centralized entity to control. All transactions will be executed through smart contracts. Seller's Native Yield: Sellers who have completed orders will receive up to 15% collateral yield due to the native yield on Blast L2. This is because the platform holds the buyer's funds after each order is filled, and then automatically redistributes the earnings of the buyer's funds during the holding period after the order is settled. The holding period is typically 15 days to 1.5 months. Tradable Positions: For each completed order, the buyer can mint an ERC-721 NFT representing the position and trade freely on existing NFT marketplaces such as Blur, or borrow and borrow on Blend. Dynamic Collateral: Sellers can switch how much collateral to deposit for each order. The yield on deposits ranges from 5% to 15%.
Now the airdrop campaign has begun.
1. Go to the website and enter the invitation code
invitation code:53566453
2、Bind Twitter retweets in turn, and enter TG.
3、Complete tasks to earn hourly points.

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