24 May 2022

ZkSync is a Layer 2 scaling solution on Ethereum that offers low gas and fast transactions, without compromising on security. People can withdraw assets to Layer 1 at any time. Argent has chosen zkSync for the launch of its Layer 2 wallet.

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What are its benefits?

zkSync significantly reduces gas costs without sacrificing security or user control. 
zkSync gives you:
Low gas: up to 1/100 of L1 gas & cheaper than using optimistic rollups
High speeds: 2000+ transactions per second (tps) compared to 14tps on L1
Security: secured by the main Ethereum blockchain 
Frictionless transfers: effortlessly move your crypto between L1 and Layer 2 without delays
Censorship resistance: you can move your assets back to L1 at any time

What’s a rollup?

Rollups work by bundling or ‘rolling up’ off-chain transactions into a smaller transaction that gets sent to Layer 1. By sending the transactions back to Layer 1, rollups inherit the security and finality of the Ethereum blockchain.
There are two types of rollup: Zero knowledge (ZK) and Optimistic. We’ll only cover ZK rollups here.

What’s a ZK rollup?

Each batch of transactions is sent to an off-chain prover that generates a cryptographic proof (called a SNARK, in the case of zkSync) that the transactions are valid. While generating the proof is hard, verifying that the proof is valid is easy. This ease means that it can be sent to Layer 1 and verified in a smart contract. This allows for near-frictionless transfers between Layer 1 and Layer 2.

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