25 Apr 2024


Cost: $0
Potential Reward: $100 $200 $300 $500 $1000 $3000+

What exactly is Silencio?

Silencio is a free application that aims to become the largest citizen science project in the world in order to combat noise pollution. The app allows users to share their surrounding sound level (dBA) and earn rewards for doing so. Users can also monetize their data when it is sold. By using Silencio, users have the opportunity to create a passive income while also improving the quality of life for themselves and others.

Silencio aims to collect hyperlocal and real data from its users, which can then be commercialized for use in various industries, including real estate, the gastronomy and hotel industry, the well-being industry, the insurance industry, governments and city planners, and academic institutions. With sufficient data, Silencio hopes to make a significant impact in the fight against noise pollution and improve the quality of life of millions of people across the globe.

Silencio is a community-driven platform focused on addressing the growing problem of noise pollution in urban areas. The project encourages users to contribute hyper-local noise pollution data by offering rewards in the form of noise coins, which can be used to access various goods, services, and environmental initiatives within the platform.

Utilizing an innovative tokenomics model, Silencio aims to create a sustainable and engaging ecosystem, where users actively participate in combating noise pollution while benefiting from their contributions. By gathering accurate, real-time data, Silencio seeks to enable data-driven decision-making for governments, city planners, and industries, leading to more effective noise control strategies and improved quality of life for urban residents.

Key aspects of the Silencio project include a user-friendly app, partnerships with businesses and organizations, and a long-term vision for global expansion and comprehensive noise pollution management. By successfully addressing these elements, Silencio aspires to become a leading force in the fight against noise pollution and promote healthier, more sustainable urban living.

In their whitepaper, they confirmed the airdrop of 3% of total supply tokens for beta users.

Here's how to qualify for the airdrop:

  •   Download the app:


  • Use my username "riel" as your invitation code when signing up.
  • You can start exploring the app. Don't worry, it's user-friendly.
  • Airdrop will primarily be determined by the following; Quantity of NOISE earned, Number of Hexagons covered and Number of Hexagons discovered.

Join now before it's too late.

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