What is MATRIX?

26 Feb 2024

Before we begin to tell the story of The Matrix, we need to go back to the 2nd Renaissance, which brought humans to the brink of a great war with machines.

Are you ready to witness this epic story on the dusty shelves of the Zion archives? Man had created a machine that looked like himself. Humanity had transcended its limits and given life to artificial intelligence. In the beginning, everything was very good. Now machines were serving people in many fields by carrying heavy loads. Instead of muscle power, the power of machines came into play. Humanity no longer had to endure hard work. Machines that could manage all kinds of work, from the service sector to heavy industry, promised people a future full of comfort and freedom.
However, it was thought that the ability of these machines to learn, think and even feel artificially could one day become a problem for humans if not brought under control. It was at this point that a domestic service robot called B166ER attacked and killed its owner. B166ER was the machine where it all began.

This posed a serious problem for the people and in order to deal with the panic that quickly spread, the authorities decided to immediately destroy the B166ER and similar machines. What followed was complete anarchy and carnage in the streets. Thousands of robots were quickly destroyed, thousands of robots were thrown into mass graves and the sea. The machines that survived and were rejected by humanity built a nation called 01, which they called home, around Mesopotamia, the cradle of human civilization.
After building 01, the machines developed an intelligence higher than their own artificial intelligence and rapidly made technological progress. "Need a jet-speed airplane? You've come to the right place. Our patented vector propelan spring allows a Zero-One Versatran to fly even with multiple engine failures. Versatran, the only choice!" was one of the advertisements, one of the technologies produced by machines. The slogan in the ad copy is quite ironic, isn't it? The phrase "the only option" was quite striking. Zero-One's rapidly developing civilization and economy soon came to dominate the economy of human civilization.

The world leaders refused to cooperate with the machines, despite their economic weakness, even though the machines were becoming economically stronger. They took some economic and military measures and decided to divide the world into two halves. The two races had to be completely separated. The world leaders organized an emergency meeting at the United Nations. Ambassadors of Zero-One came to the meeting and said that in spite of everything they wanted to move forward with them, they wanted peace. The machines came to the meeting in human clothes to be accepted by the humans because they felt they were not liked by the humans. This raised the anger of the humans even more, they rejected all the demands of the envoys and prevented them from entering the United Nations. And the human said, "Let there be light." And the light was blessed with heat, magnetism, gravity and all the energies of the universe. It shook Zero-One with thousands of solar effects. But the machines had nothing to fear from the radiation and heat of the bomb. Yes, humanity finally did what was expected and declared direct war on Zero-One. But the armies of the machines were superior to the armies of the humans in every way. One by one, the machines forced the human territories to surrender. The human leaders then made a crazy decision. A dark storm effect. They will destroy the heavens. thus depriving the machines of their energy source and rendering them defenseless. As Morpheus tells Neo, "Maybe they were the first to attack, maybe it was us, but we are the ones who brought the darkness." The incredible decision in that sentence was put into practice. By dropping the bombs one by one, the world's atmosphere was enveloped in a permanent black curtain and the fate of the two races was decided.

But the deprivation of machines from the sun did not lead to the catastrophe that people predicted. Machines continued to survive by turning to alternative energy sources. The great collapse that people expected did not materialize. Even though machines could not use the Sun, they discovered and used other sources of energy. Machines using solar energy continued to advance technologically even after the sun disappeared. This laid the foundation for the world of the Matrix and the rise of machine civilization. That was the truth behind the Matrix. Humans decided to fight the machines of their own creation and as a result the world was divided into two polar opposites. Humans on one side and machines on the other. However, the collapse that humans expected did not materialize and the machines survived thanks to alternative energy sources. At this point, machines began to use human consciousness and energy. Humans were trapped in an artificial world created by machines, the Matrix, where they lived in the real world. However, Neo and other free thinkers tried to break free from this artificial world and fought to free humanity from captivity. The Matrix is actually a prison of sorts and the real world existence of humans is used as an energy source for the machines.

The true story of The Matrix is a reflection of the conflict and war between humanity and machines, and the balance point that emerges in the aftermath. How humans deal with the technology of their own creation and how they find themselves in a different reality as a result of this struggle gives The Matrix a deeper meaning.

Thanks for reading.

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