Taiga Retroactive Usage Airdrop

7 Jun 2022

A total of 1,544,950 TAI tokens will be distributed as retroactive usage airdrop to 5,627 eligible addresses who participated in the following 2 events;
(i) Taiga Protocol Soft Launch
(ii) KSM-LKSM Liquidity Migration
124,000 TAI tokens will be distributed to LPs who contributed liquidity to the taiKSM liquidity pool during the period: 4/29/2022 24:00 UTC — 5/30/2022 12:29:36 UTC
183.90 taiKSM will be distributed as protocol fees to LPs who contributed liquidity to the taiKSM liquidity pool during the period: 4/29/2022 24:00 UTC — 5/30/2022 12:29:36 UTC
Check eligibility via the Taiga dApp

The highly anticipated Taiga Retroactive Usage Airdrop is finally ready for distribution! We believe this is the best way to say thank you to our early supporters, contributors and Liquidity Providers who helped bootstrap the Taiga Protocol!
The airdrop emission is made up of 2 categories:
(i) Retroactive Usage Airdrop Incentives
(ii) Regular TAI Emission and taiKSM LP Fees

Category 1: Retroactive Usage Airdrop Incentives

A total of 1,544,950 TAI tokens will be distributed to 5,627 eligible addresses that participated in the following events:
Taiga Protocol Soft Launch (3/8/2022 3:00 UTC to 4/14/2022 15:59 UTC)
Liquidity Migration Program (4/14/2022 16:00 UTC to 4/28/2022 23:59 UTC)
Eligibility CriteriaIn order to authenticate the user selection process, we have applied the following criteria to ensure a fair airdrop distribution mechanism. One that prevents the system from potential sybil attacks.
1. Total Assets Staked
Assets staked in the taiKSM and taiKSM-TAI pool
2. Protocol Interaction
Interactions are tracked per unique wallet address. Interactions include: swap, adding liquidity and staking
3. Interaction Frequency and Continuity
Interactions are tracked per unique wallet address. Number of consecutive days with protocol interaction. Interactions include: swap, add liquidity and staking
4. Soft Launch Participation
Participated in Soft Launch by providing and retaining liquidity for taiKSM and taiKSM-TAI pool during the Soft Launch period
5. Liquidity Migration Participation
Participated in Liquidity Migration by providing and retaining liquidity for taiKSM pool during the Liquidity Migration period
6. Existing Karura DeFi User
Participated in any DeFi applications on Karura such as transacting via DEX, aUSD Vault, or Liquid Staking protocol*
*A snapshot of Karura DeFi wallet addresses has been taken at Block number 1168113, approximately 12/23/2021 23:00 UTC.
How to Determine your Eligibility and Calculate Claimable Airdrop?Usage Tiering System
Each criteria is then measured against a corresponding Usage Tiering System to determine an individual wallet’s usage relative to the average usage behaviour for each criteria.
Alice deposited $5,000 total worth of KSM and TAI to the taiKSM pool and TAI-taiKSM pool on 3/23/2022 UTC until Soft Launch ended. She recorded a total of 20 transactions across 10 consecutive days and participated in Soft Launch only. The wallet she used to interact with Taiga protocol was the same wallet she used to mint aUSD against LKSM on Karura.
10,000 wallets recorded throughout 3/8/2022 3:00 UTC to 4/28/2022 23:59 UTC
80,000 total transactions recorded
On average 8 transactions per wallet
Determine Alice’s Eligibility:
Criteria 1: Alice deposited $5,000 for 21 days which will result in Tier 3 (1.5x multiple). Multiply the base reward of Criteria 1 (300 TAI) by 1.5x equals to 450 TAI
Criteria 2: The average transactions per unique wallet equals to 8. Alice registered 20 transactions, which classifies her at 1.5x above average. This results in Tier 3 (1.5x multiple). Multiply the base reward of Criteria 2 (100 TAI) by 1.5x equals to 150 TAI
Criteria 3: Alice interacted with Taiga protocol consecutively for 10 days. This puts her at Tier 2 (1x multiple). Multiply the base reward of Criteria 3 (100 TAI) by 1x equals to 100 TAI
Criteria 4: Alice participated in Taiga Protocol Soft Launch. This puts her at Tier 2 (1x multiple). Multiply the base reward of Criteria 4 (300 TAI) by 1x equals to 300 TAI
Criteria 5: Alice did not participate in the Liquidity Migration program. She is not qualified to earn any rewards for Criteria 5
Criteria 6: Alice used the same wallet for minting aUSD on Karura. This puts her at Tier 2 (1x multiple). Multiply the base reward of Criteria 6 (100 TAI) by 1x equals to 100 TAI
Total TAI Claimable = 1,100 TAI

Category 2: Regular TAI Emission and taiKSM LP Fees

Accrual for regular TAI emission and taiKSM protocol fees immediately begins at the end of the Liquidity Migration event. Liquidity Providers are earning the following rewards and protocol fees:
TAI Emission for taiKSM pool
Swap and redemption fees for taiKSM pool (distributed in taiKSM)
Swap and redemption fees for taiKSM-TAI pool (distributed in taiKSM)
During the period 4/29/2022 24:00 UTC — 5/30/2022 12:29:36 UTC, 124,000 TAI and 183.90 taiKSM have been accrued and will be claimable immediately for Liquidity Providers.
Whether your taiKSM is sitting idle in your wallet, staked in collateral staking or contributed to taiKSM-TAI pool, your taiKSM will be accounted for when calculating TAI emission and LP fees.
Starting on 5/30/2022 12:29:37 UTC, TAI emission and LP fees will be tallied on a daily basis and claimable on a weekly basis. Information related to APR, TAI emission and fees will be displayed and claimable via the Taiga dApp.

How to ClaimAccess dApp — app.taigaprotocol.io
Select the “Claim” tab at the top
Click the “Connect Wallet” button and select your account
Check your eligibility in the “Retroactive Usage Airdrop” section
Click “Claim” to get airdrop rewards
Click “Claim” in the “TAI Emission and taiKSM Fees” section to get TAI incentives and taiKSM yield*
*The claimable TAI incentives and taiKSM fees are from 4/29/2022 24:00 UTC to 5/30/2022 12:29:36 UTC.
Click on your wallet address to switch to other wallets

go and check your eligibility ---

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