The Most Moving True Stories on the Big Screen

18 Apr 2024

Cinema has the power to transport us to unknown worlds, make us live unimaginable adventures and, sometimes, show us the harsh reality of stories that, although they may seem incredible, have really happened. Here we present some of the best true stories brought to film, which have not only captivated the public for their exciting narrative and memorable characters, but also for their fidelity to the events that inspired them.

  • “The Pianist” (2002): Directed by Roman Polanski, this film tells the story of Wladyslaw Szpilman, a Polish pianist of Jewish origin who survived the Holocaust. The film is a heartbreaking testament to survival and loss during one of the darkest times in history.

  • “The Pursuit of Happiness” (2006): Starring Will Smith, this film narrates the struggle of Chris Gardner, a salesman who becomes a stockbroker while taking care of his son on the streets of San Francisco. It is a story of perseverance and fatherly love.

  • “To the Last Man” (2016): Directed by Mel Gibson, the film follows Desmond Doss, a conscientious objector who served as a medic in World War II and became the first military man in United States history to receive the Medal of Honor without firing a single shot.

Bringing a film based on real events to the cinema involves a series of important considerations and requirements to guarantee a quality final product that is respectful of the story being told. Here are some key requirements:

Extensive Research: Before beginning any project, it is crucial to conduct extensive research on the events or people on which the film will be based. This involves collecting information from various sources, such as books, articles, interviews, historical documents, etc.

Acquiring rights: If the story is based on a book, article or other copyrighted material, it is necessary to obtain the rights to adapt it to film. This involves negotiations with rights owners and the signing of legal agreements.
Solid script: The script is the basis of any film and must be well developed. You must capture the essence of real events while creating compelling characters and dialogue. It is important to balance historical fidelity with the narrative needs of cinema.

Talented team: Recruiting a talented team is essential. This includes the director, screenwriter, director of photography, production designers, etc. The director plays a crucial role in interpreting the story and directing the cast.
Appropriate Casting: Cast selection is essential to bringing historical figures to life authentically. It is important to choose actors who not only physically resemble the real characters, but can also capture their emotions and distinctive characteristics.
Locations and setting: In many films based on real events, the authenticity of the locations and setting is essential. This may involve filming in actual locations where the events occurred or accurately recreating them on set.
Historical Consultants: Hiring historical consultants can help ensure historical accuracy in the film. These experts can provide guidance on costume, setting, language, and other aspects to ensure the film is as accurate as possible.
Respect for the story: It is important to show respect for the real events and people that are being depicted in the film. This means staying true to the facts whenever possible and avoiding distorting the truth for the sake of entertainment.

Legal and ethical considerations: When portraying real people on film, it is important to consider the legal and ethical implications. This may include obtaining the consent of living people who are being represented, as well as avoiding defamation or inaccurate representations that could cause harm.
Distribution and Promotion: Once the film is completed, an effective distribution and promotion plan is needed to bring it to the public. This may involve participating in film festivals, marketing online and in traditional media, and organizing special screenings.

These stories, among many others, remind us that reality can be as fascinating as any fiction. They show us the capacity of the human spirit to face adversity, fight for justice, pursue dreams and save lives in different historical and social contexts.

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