Pi Network and community

4 Jan 2024

The Pi Network core team has been criticized for not prioritizing their community. Many community members have not been given KYC slots, and some are still waiting for their KYC status to be approved. Additionally, there are community members who are eagerly awaiting the migration of their coins.
The most important thing for any company is customer support. Unfortunately, Pi Network has poor customer support. We suggest that if the Pi Network core team addresses all these issues, it will greatly improve the overall experience for users.

Community plays a crucial role in the success of any project. It serves as the key that unlocks the potential for collaboration, support, and shared knowledge. Without a strong and engaged community, a project may struggle to gain traction, overcome obstacles, and reach its full potential. The collective expertise, diverse perspectives, and collective efforts of community members can contribute to problem-solving, innovation, and the overall growth of the project. Furthermore, a vibrant community fosters a sense of belonging and ownership, encouraging individuals to contribute their skills and resources to the project's development. In essence, community is the lifeblood that fuels the progress and sustainability of any project.

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