Mitosis a 7days testnet

11 Mar 2024

 announced a LRT Campaign, a 7-day pre-mainnet program on the Sepolia testnet. Pre-register for testnet and get ahead in the Expedition Mainnet!
Only Input your ETH address (0x...)
Ends 14:00 UTC on March 8th
Testnet Period: 15:00 UTC on March 8th ~ 15:00 UTC on March 15th, 2024 - 7 Days!
Expedition will be done with the team.
Expected Public Testnet (Q2 2024)
Expected Mainnet + TGE (Q3 2024)
You could also register through Discord in the "expedition-pre-register" channel in the Mitosis Discord (The "Evangelist" role is required to access the channel. Pick the role at the "pick-a-role" channel)
Note: Registration method does not impact the pre-registration benefits and rewards. Reward payout happens only once for an address registered twice via both methods.
Stay safe. The pre-registration doesn't require you to connect your wallet. All you need to do is to submit your Ethereum wallet address.


 is the liquidity protocol for the modular era that redefines cross-chain liquidity. Blockchains are going modular so should liquidity. What the upcoming rollups need is a modular liquidity protocol that can scale together with the multi-chain DeFi.This First Quest: Expedition is to help liquid staked tokens (LRTs) expand outside Ethereum L1.

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