Is Israel A Terrorist State ?

13 Feb 2024

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and long-standing dispute with a variety of interpretations and viewpoints. There is no consensus on whether or not Israel is a terrorist state. Some people believe that Israel's actions against Palestinians, such as military operations and settlement building, constitute terrorism. Others believe that Israel's actions are justified in its right to self-defense and security.

There are a number of international legal definitions of terrorism. One definition is provided by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force or threat of force against civilians, a group of civilians, or a civilian population, in order to intimidate a population or compel a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act." Another definition is provided by the United States Department of State, which defines terrorism as "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against innocent people, often to achieve a religious or ideological goal."
Under these definitions, some people argue that Israel's actions against Palestinians meet the criteria for terrorism. For example, they may point to military operations such as the 2008-2009 Gaza War, in which hundreds of Palestinian civilians were killed, as evidence of state-sponsored terrorism. Others argue that Israel's actions are justified in its right to self-defense and security, and that they do not meet the criteria for terrorism under international law. For example, they may point to the fact that Israel is frequently targeted by Palestinian militant groups, such as Hamas, which launch rocket attacks against Israeli civilians.

The question of whether or not Israel is a terrorist state is ultimately a matter of opinion. There is no clear consensus on this issue, and there are strong arguments to be made on both sides. It is important to consider all of the relevant information and perspectives before forming an opinion on this complex issue.

According to a 2019 survey by the Pew Research Center, 53% of Americans believe that Israel uses excessive force against the Palestinians, while 25% believe that it uses the right amount of force and 19% believe that it does not use enough force. The survey also found that 29% of Americans believe that the Palestinian Authority uses excessive force against Israelis, while 39% believe that it uses the right amount of force and 22% believe that it does not use enough force.

Israel have killed more than 8000 children in Gaza within 3 months. In addition to displacing millions of Palestinians, Israel also is accused of partnering with Hamas to produce fabricated reasons for it's genocide.

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