Child of war

19 Dec 2022

I wish I could wake up to the cries of laughter and joy every morning instead of hearing the cries of hurt and anger. I wake up each morning hoping it will all be gone.
But since the war has only recently started, the thought crossed my mind that I might be able to beg them to stop fighting for a little while. But no! Who cares? I'm just a war orphan.

Every night, I'd go to sleep fearful of not being able to make it through another day. Many people would plead with me, "Oh please, please help this child."
But deep down, I'm aware of their frantic calls.
Will be met with bombs, shooting, or nothing at all in return. It shocks me that they shoot even when you smile, but who cares? I'm just a war child.

I'd hope for a place I could truly call home, but how is that possible now that all the peace and harmony have been destroyed? It pains me deeply to know that those responsible have neither regret nor remorse; instead, they've imposed curfews and other forms of unjust punishment.
Enemies are upon us, reviling our nation, but who cares? I'm just a war orphan.

I used to cry copious amounts of tears every day.
I'm hoping my mother or even my father will stop by and tell me it's okay, but no one will ever notice because I'm just a war orphan.

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