How to keep Funds SAFU in the crypto Space

18 Jun 2022

Hello, welcome back to my blog, today I will be giving you some information on how to avoid crypto hacks.

Crypto hacks are quite common today in the crypto space, this is a situation whereby a person's wallet is being compromised and funds are being stolen from it. 

Over the years, hackers/scammers have upgraded their game and they are coming up with several ways to gain access to people's wallets. 

Some things to do to avoid a crypto hack?
Do not save your seed phrase on your google mail:

It is very common for crypto users to save their seed phrase on their emails so that they don't lose it, but then that is risky being that your email could be compromised and all your information would just be gotten access to.

A friend of mine had His email hacked and all His wallet addresses were hacked, so I wouldn't want you to be like my friend.

Instead of saving your seed phrase on your mail, get a book or journal and write down all your wallet addresses, get a photocopy and send it to the bank or photocopy it and keep them separate from the original copy.

Be sure to watch out for Phishing Links:

A lot of phishing links exist out there, a common one is that of is a Solana web wallet, I knew someone who got scammed because He used the phishing link of Sollet to import His wallet.

Phishing links exist for DEXes too, so be sure to check the links properly before clicking them.

Avoid opening all links you come across on your wallet dapp browser:

As a newbie hunting for airdrops, you might be tempted to open lots of links in order to claim airdrops, well, to be honest, if a project doesn't have proper documentation I would advise you to stay clear of such crypto projects or any links shared by them.

Signing and approving transactions with your wallet may lead to your wallet being wiped due to the dapp contract.

Do not send anyone your Keyphrase or Private Key:

Please, no matter what, don't send your seed phrase or private key to anyone on the internet, your wallet will get wiped and your funds will be gone forever.

Report any account, asking for your private information.

Watch out for fake customer care social accounts:

It is rampant to get a message from an account claiming to be customer care especially if you make a complaint about your funds being stuck during a transaction on a dapp. Be watchful and do not fall prey to their scams.

With the above, you should be able to avoid the majority of the crypto hacks, it is said, a word is enough for the wise. Stay safe and keep your funds SAFU.

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