Unraveling the Fate of 12 Solana Presale Meme Coin Projects: A Cautionary Tale of Abandonment

22 Apr 2024


In recent weeks, the Solana ecosystem has witnessed a flurry of activity with the emergence of a dozen presale meme coin projects. These projects, fueled by the excitement surrounding meme coins and the promise of quick gains, collectively raised an astounding $26.7 million through presale offerings. However, what initially seemed like a wave of innovation and opportunity has quickly turned into a cautionary tale of abandonment and disappointment. Many of these projects, touted as the next big thing in the world of cryptocurrencies, have now been left completely deserted less than a month after their launch. In this article, we delve into the rise and fall of these Solana presale meme coin projects, exploring the factors behind their rapid demise and the implications for investors and the broader cryptocurrency market.


The phenomenon of presale meme coin projects gaining traction within the Solana ecosystem reflects a broader trend in the cryptocurrency market characterized by the proliferation of meme coins and the allure of quick profits. These projects typically leverage the excitement surrounding memes, social media hype, and the promise of astronomical returns to attract investors during their initial stages of development. Solana, known for its high-speed and low-cost transactions, has become a favored platform for launching such projects due to its scalability and growing popularity within the crypto community.

The rise of presale meme coins on Solana mirrors the broader trend seen across various blockchain networks, where meme coins have gained significant attention and investment in recent months. However, the rapid influx of these projects also raises concerns about the sustainability and legitimacy of such ventures. While some presale meme coins may have genuine intentions and innovative ideas behind them, others may be driven solely by the desire to capitalize on the hype surrounding meme culture and cryptocurrency speculation.

In the case of the 12 Solana presale meme coin projects that have been abandoned, the initial excitement and enthusiasm quickly dissipated as investors realized the lack of substance and viability behind these ventures. Despite raising substantial amounts of capital through presale offerings, these projects failed to deliver on their promises, leading to widespread disillusionment and financial losses among investors.

The collapse of these projects underscores the importance of due diligence and critical analysis when investing in the cryptocurrency market, especially in emerging sectors like meme coins and presale projects. While the allure of quick gains may be enticing, investors must exercise caution and carefully evaluate the fundamentals and long-term prospects of any project before committing their funds. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, discernment and prudence remain essential for navigating the ever-changing landscape of digital assets.


In recent crypto news, the Solana blockchain has witnessed the rise and fall of several meme coin projects launched via presales, only to be abandoned shortly after. These projects, touted as the next big thing in the crypto space, have left investors disillusioned and questioning the legitimacy of such ventures.

The phenomenon of meme coins, often characterized by their catchy names and playful branding, has gained popularity within the crypto community. However, the rapid proliferation of these projects has also led to concerns about their sustainability and long-term viability.

In the case of Solana, a blockchain known for its high throughput and low transaction fees, several meme coin projects were launched via presales, promising significant returns for early investors. However, less than a month after their launch, many of these projects have been completely abandoned by their development teams.

Investors who eagerly participated in these presales are now left holding worthless tokens, with little to no recourse for recouping their investments. This turn of events has sparked outrage and frustration within the Solana community, with many calling for greater due diligence and scrutiny when it comes to investing in meme coin projects.

The fallout from these abandoned projects serves as a cautionary tale for investors, highlighting the importance of thorough research and skepticism when considering investments in the crypto space. While meme coins may offer the allure of quick profits, they also carry significant risks, especially when launched via presales with little oversight or regulation.

Moving forward, it is crucial for investors to exercise caution and discernment when evaluating meme coin projects, particularly those launched on platforms like Solana. By conducting thorough due diligence and exercising skepticism, investors can better protect themselves from the pitfalls of the crypto market and make more informed investment decisions.

The past month has seen a flurry of activity in the Solana ecosystem, with a dozen presale meme coin projects launching to much fanfare, only to be completely abandoned less than a month later. According to a recent post by blockchain detective ZachXBT, these projects collectively raised an eye-watering $26.7 million, primarily through presale offerings.

However, the excitement surrounding these projects quickly turned to disappointment as investigations revealed a grim reality: nearly all of these tokens experienced significant declines in value shortly after launch, with some failing to even get off the ground.


One of the most notable casualties of this phenomenon is a meme coin called 'I like this coin' (LIKE), which raised a staggering 52,220 Solana (SOL), equivalent to $7.7 million at current prices. Despite its impressive fundraising efforts, LIKE's market capitalization plummeted from $577 million at launch to just a fraction of that within hours. As of now, LIKE is down 83.08% from its launch price, and both its official account and supposed founder have gone silent since March 31.


Another project, MOONKE, faced a similar fate, launching with a valuation of approximately $500 million before experiencing a rapid decline of over 99% in value within hours.

Perhaps most alarming is the case of a project that managed to raise over $810,000 but never even launched a token, leaving investors empty-handed.

These developments raise questions about the sustainability of meme coin projects and the broader appeal of memecoins in the current market. While meme coins enjoyed a surge in popularity in recent months, their appeal seems to be waning, with even larger Solana-based meme coins experiencing significant declines in value.

Indeed, the frenzy surrounding meme coins appears to be dying down, reminiscent of the ICO boom of 2017, where many projects raised substantial funds only to falter later on. As investors navigate this evolving landscape, caution and due diligence are more critical than ever to avoid falling victim to projects that fail to live up to expectations.


The swift rise and subsequent abandonment of 12 Solana presale meme coin projects within a month serve as a cautionary tale in the volatile world of cryptocurrency investment. Despite raising millions of dollars through presale offerings, these projects failed to deliver on their promises, leaving investors with substantial losses and shattered expectations.

This phenomenon highlights the risks associated with investing in meme coins and presale projects, where hype and speculation often overshadow fundamental analysis and due diligence. While some projects may show promise initially, the lack of sustainable business models, clear roadmaps, and transparent leadership can ultimately lead to their downfall.

As the frenzy surrounding meme coins begins to wane and investors become more discerning, it is crucial to approach such investments with caution and skepticism. Conducting thorough research, scrutinizing project fundamentals, and exercising sound judgment are essential practices for navigating the volatile cryptocurrency market.

While the allure of quick profits may tempt many, it is important to remember that successful investing requires patience, diligence, and a long-term perspective. By learning from the mistakes of past investments and avoiding speculative traps, investors can position themselves for success in the ever-evolving world of digital assets.

Definition of Terms:

1. Presale: A presale is a fundraising method used by cryptocurrency projects to raise capital before launching their tokens or coins to the public. It typically involves selling tokens to a select group of investors at a discounted price before they are available to the general public.

2. Meme Coin: A meme coin is a type of cryptocurrency that gains popularity primarily through viral memes and social media hype rather than underlying technology or utility. These coins often have humorous or satirical themes and may experience rapid price fluctuations based on social media trends.

3. Abandonment: In the context of cryptocurrency projects, abandonment refers to the cessation of development or support for a project by its creators or development team. This can occur for various reasons, including lack of funding, regulatory issues, or failure to meet project goals.


1. What is the significance of presale meme coin projects on Solana?
  Presale meme coin projects on Solana have gained attention due to their fundraising methods and potential for rapid price appreciation. However, recent instances of projects being abandoned shortly after launch highlight the risks associated with investing in these projects.

2. How do presale meme coin projects differ from traditional ICOs or token offerings?
  Presale meme coin projects often lack the same level of transparency, regulation, and oversight as traditional initial coin offerings (ICOs) or token offerings. They may rely heavily on social media hype and speculative investment rather than offering a clear value proposition or utility for their tokens.

3. What are some red flags to watch out for when considering investing in presale meme coin projects?
  Some red flags to watch out for include vague project descriptions, anonymous or unverified development teams, unrealistic promises of high returns, and a lack of transparency regarding token distribution and use of funds.

4. How can investors mitigate the risks associated with investing in presale meme coin projects?
  Investors can mitigate risks by conducting thorough research on projects, including reviewing whitepapers, assessing the credibility of development teams, and evaluating the project's long-term viability and potential for adoption. Additionally, diversifying investment portfolios and exercising caution when participating in presale offerings can help mitigate risks.

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