What is LIMINAL developed by the Aleph Zero team?

3 Jan 2024

Liminal, a Layer-2 solution developing by the Aleph Zero team.
Let’s take a deep dive into this awesome Layer 2 solution.

The etymological origin of liminal is 'limen' in Latin. It means threshold. It is used to mean occupying a position on or on either side of a border or threshold.

Liminal is a 'breath' between what is left behind and what is to be reached. In this respect, liminal spaces have a mystical aura.
It is significant that the team named this second layer Liminal. Because the transactions that will take place in this layer will be 'mystical’.

What provides this mysticism?

2) sMPS

Both technologies need be explained in separate floods. But I will try to explain briefly here.

First of all, both are privacy-oriented technologies.

What is ZK-Snark?
First we need to understand ZK-Proof (Zero Knowledge-Proof).
To prove that you have an information without showing the information to the other party. This is what ZK-proof does.

Imagine you have found the solution to a difficult math problem. When you go to your teacher and say 'I have solved this problem', he will ask you for the solution by saying 'Let me see if you have really solved it'.

Otherwise, he will not be convinced that you have solved the problem. You must prove it.

What if you don't trust the teacher? What if you are afraid that the teacher will see and steal the answer from you and say that I have solved the problem?

Here, ZK-Proof can prove that you have solved it by giving small details without showing your solution to the teacher.

It proves it with zero knowledge.

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