Maximizing Productivity: 10 Tips for Peak Performance

3 Jan 2024

Solana airdrops were HUGE:

$JITO gave +$50,000>
$PYTH gave +$5,000>

But upcoming $AVAX airdrop season will be even BIGGER so be sure you're ready for it

Follow my and discover 6 $AVAX projects with potential airdrop

4/âž« @HubbleExchange
- A Layer 1 for a Perps OrderBook DEX

âž« Airdrop strategy:

❍ Follow their Social media
❍ Get invite code
❍ Provide volume (Trade)
❍ Deposit into the Insurance Fund2/➫ @GoGoPool_
- Subnet Infrastructure Services | Liquid Staking | Easy Validation

âž« Airdrop strategy:

❍ Become a validator
❍ Go to Liquid Staking
❍ Stake

5/âž« @steakhut_fi
- Access a diverse range of decentralized market-making solutions

âž« Airdrop strategy:

❍ Go to:
❍ Connect your wallet
❍ Provide liquidity
1/âž« @TraderJoe_xyz
- most popular DEX on AVAX

❍ Recently, they announced rewards for staking, here is all info you need:

6/âž« @HyperspaceAvax
- NFT marketplace on AVAX

âž« Airdrop strategy:

❍ Go to:
❍ Connect your wallet
❍ Buy/Sell NFTs

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