
17 May 2023

Kabaddi is a popular contact sport that originated in ancient India. It is played between two teams of seven players each, with the objective of scoring points by tagging or touching opponents and returning to their own half of the playing area without being caught. The game requires both physical strength and strategy.
Here are some key aspects of Kabaddi:

  1. Playing Field: The playing field is usually a rectangular court, divided into two halves by a midline. Each half has a team's territory.
  2. Teams: Each team consists of seven players, typically with five reserve players on the bench. There is usually a captain who leads the team.
  3. Strategies: Kabaddi involves various strategies and techniques to outsmart opponents. Defending teams may form chains, hold hands, or use tackles to catch the raider. Raiders employ agility, speed, and evasive maneuvers to score points while avoiding being caught.
  4. Scoring: Points are awarded based on successful tags or touches and successful escapes by the raider. The defending team earns points by catching the raider and preventing them from returning to their half.
  5. Professional Leagues: Kabaddi has gained popularity worldwide, with professional leagues such as the Pro Kabaddi League in India and other international tournaments showcasing top-level competition.

Kabaddi is not only a competitive sport but also a source of cultural pride in many South Asian countries. It requires physical fitness, quick thinking, teamwork, and reflexes.

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