Making Red Date and Lotus Seed Bird's Nest

15 Jan 2024

imageBefore embarking on the preparation of red date and lotus seed bird's nest, gather the following ingredients:

  • 1 piece of bird's nest (10g, whether raw or processed is acceptable)
  • Approximately 40-50g of red dates (equivalent to 5-7 small or 4 large dates)
  • 30g of dried lotus seeds or 80g of fresh lotus seeds (adjust quantities based on personal preference)
  • 4-6 tablespoons of organic rock sugar (adjust according to family taste preferences)
  • A few slices of ginger or 5-6 pandan leaves (to counteract any inherent odor from the bird's nest)
  • About 500ml of cooled boiled water (if desiring a more concentrated bird's nest) or 750ml-1000ml (for a diluted version)
  • A thin cloth
  • A bird's nest cooking pot or an alternative suitable container of your choice

Step 2: Cooking Red Date and Lotus Seed Bird's Nest
Having assembled all the necessary ingredients, follow these detailed steps:
2.1 Prepare the Bird's Nest

  • If utilizing raw bird's nest, initiate the process by soaking it in boiled water for 2-3 hours. Subsequently, clean the nest by removing feathers and impurities, rinse thoroughly, and strain.
  • In the case of processed bird's nest, a

2.2 Clean, Soak, and Cook Lotus Seeds

  • Clean and soak the lotus seeds for approximately 30 minutes if they are dried. Rinse them if using fresh seeds. Proceed to cook until they reach a tender consistency. If opting for pandan leaves, include them in the cooking process.

2.3 Cook Red Dates with Softened Lotus Seeds

  • Once the lotus seeds attain tenderness, introduce the red dates into the pot. Simmer the mixture for an additional 10-15 minutes before turning off the heat.

2.4 Place Ingredients in the Cooking Container

  • With all the components prepared, arrange them in the container – starting with lotus seeds, followed by red dates and bird's nest. Pour the cooled boiled water into the container (or designated pot) and add thin slices of ginger (or use pandan water if pandan leaves are included). Pour water carefully to avoid spillage.

2.5 Cooking the Bird's Nest

  • Line the bottom of the pot with

  • a thin cloth, place the bird's nest container on top, and fill the pot with water until it submerges 1/3 of the container. Cover with a lid and initiate the cooking process.
  • Fire control: Allow the mixture to simmer until the water in the pot reaches a gentle boil (approximately 90°C). Reduce the heat thereafter. If using a specialized bird's nest pot, fire control is unnecessary, as it is pre-set. Cook until bubbles surface, indicating the bird's nest is thoroughly cooked. Turn off the heat; avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures to retain

  • simple soaking in water until it softens (30 minutes to 1 hour) is sufficient, followed by straining.

  • the quality of the bird's nest.
  • Cooking time: About 20 minutes (for a 350ml container) and 30 minutes for a larger container (500ml).

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