5 Feb 2024

What is zkSync?

zkSync is a Layer-2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain that employs zk-rollup technology to enhance scalability and efficiency. By bundling multiple transactions into a single cryptographic proof and processing them off-chain, zkSync significantly boosts Ethereum's transaction throughput.

this approach helps alleviate network congestion and lowers gas fees, making it more cost-effective for users to interact with Ethereum smart contracts and send tokens. Despite its off-chain processing, zkSync maintains a high level of security by anchoring transaction finality to the Ethereum mainnet, ensuring the safety of user assets. 

ZkSync enables users to exit and enter the Ethereum mainnet in a decentralized pattern while offering lower transaction fees compared to the legacy ecosystem. The advantages of zkProofs were the transmission of speed and low gas fees, which had become two pain points for Ethereum users.
ZkSync is a mainstream scaling technology implementing innovative solutions to Ethereum scaling. Zk refers to zero knowledge, while rollups stands for smart contracts. What smart contracts do is roll up a slew of transactions off the main layer and club them into a single transaction. 

How is zkSync different from other Layer-2 networks

zkSync, like other Layer-2 scaling solutions, aims to improve the scalability and efficiency of the Ethereum blockchain. However, there are some key differences that set zkSync ap

Scaling Ethereum’s technology and values
Scaling Freedom
Hyperscalability: the Endgame
A brand new Era for UX

Over 200 projects from Chainlink, Uniswap, SushiSwap, Aave, Argent, Gnosis, Curve, and many of the world's largest brands have registered their interest to deploy on zkSync. Explore the ecosystem shaping the internet using Ethereum and ZK technology.

Who is the team behind zkSync?

MatterLabs is the company that built zkSync. The blockchain technology company is based in Berlin, but has a global presence. It is focused on enhancing the scalability and usability of Ethereum and other blockchain networks through zk-Rollup technology. 
zkSync is MatterLabs flagship project, and they’ve been working on it since the summer of 2020. The project is completely open-source, making their contributions transparent and freely available to the blockchain community.

Does zkSync have a native token?

zkSync doesn’t have its own token yet, but many are eagerly awaiting news of its possible token launch. they will closely monitor any updates as it’s one of our most anticipated airdrop projects.

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