The Light Beyond

31 Jul 2024

In the darkest hour before dawn's first light,
When shadows stretch and swallow the sight,
A soul wanders, lost in an endless night,
Seeking solace, a glimmer, a beacon bright.

A tunnel looms, a cavern deep,
Where echoes whisper and secrets keep.
Through this passage, where shadows creep,
A weary traveler stirs from sleep.Image
Each step is heavy, laden with dread,
As memories linger, a tangled thread.
The past, a specter, fills the head,
But forward lies the path, it must be tread.

The walls, they weep with tears of stone,
A river of sorrow, a mournful tone.
Yet in the distance, a faint glow is shown,
A promise, a hope, of light unknown.

With each stride, the air grows thin,
The chill of fear, a creeping skin.
Yet a warmth begins to seep within,
A whispering hint, a gentle din.

The darkness wanes, a gradual fade,
As colors bloom where shadows played.
The light, a balm, a sweet cascade,
Illuminates the path, the fears allayed.

The traveler halts, in awe, in grace,
For before them shines a radiant space.
The end of the tunnel, a sacred place,
Where light and life begin to trace.

No longer bound by chains unseen,
The soul emerges, pure and clean.
The light, a guide, a gentle sheen,
To realms anew, a world serene.

The sun ascends, a golden blaze,
Dispelling night, igniting days.
The tunnel fades, a distant phase,
A memory of trials, a shadowed maze.

Now, under skies of azure blue,
The traveler breathes, the world anew.
For every shadow, a light in view,
A testament to the journey through.

The light at the end, not just a sight,
But a beacon of hope, a guiding light.
A reminder that through darkest night,
A dawn will break, and all is right.

The soul, now free, with wings unfurled,
Embraces the vast, infinite world.
With every step, a new life swirled,
In the dance of light, the spirit twirled.

For every tunnel, a journey to take,
A test of spirit, a choice to make.
To seek the light, to not forsake,
The hope that dawns, the dawn's first break.

So remember, when darkness holds its sway,
When shadows stretch and skies turn gray,
There is a light that will guide the way,
A promise of a brighter day.

For the light at the end is not just a gleam,
It's the dreamer's hope, the believer's dream.
A path to follow, a star to beam,
A reminder that things are not as they seem.

The tunnel, a trial, the light, the prize,
A journey of heart, a soul's reprise.
For in every end, a new beginning lies,
In the light at the end, the true sunrise.

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