Rebels simultaneously attack Iranian base

4 Apr 2024

The separatist militant group Jaish al-Adl attacked a series of bases of Iranian military and security forces in the south of the country, killing at least three people.

"Three security personnel were killed in a series of overnight terrorist attacks targeting military bases and police stations in the cities of Rask and Chabahar," Alireza Marhamati, deputy governor of Sistan-Baluchistan, told Iranian state television on the night of April 3.

Iran's IRIB broadcaster said one of the dead was the deputy head of Chabahar's police station. Jaish al-Adl, an armed separatist group in the Sistan-Baluchistan region and listed as a terrorist by Iran, claimed responsibility for the series of attacks, according to IRIB.

Iranian Deputy Interior Minister Majid Mirahmadi said the rebels' goal was to seize the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) headquarters in two cities. "Terrorist groups have failed and are under siege. They held out in positions around the two command posts and opened fire indiscriminately. The IRGC and the police are responding bravely," he said.

Turkey's Anadolu news agency, citing local sources, said Iranian security forces may have suffered more casualties. Images released on social media by the militant group Jaish al-Adl showed its members infiltrating and blowing up an IRGC weapons depot.

Iran International, a British-based Iran news site, said rebels also staged ambushes on roads, preventing security forces from pursuing. By dawn on April 4, fighting continued in the city of Chabahar
Jaish al-Adl is a Sunni Islamist armed force that demands secession from Sistan-Baluchistan province and is behind many terrorist attacks on the Iran-Pakistan border. They attacked a police station in Rask in December 2023, killing 11 policemen, sparking a series of back-and-forth strikes between Iran and Pakistan

In 2019, Jaish al-Adl admitted to being behind a suicide bombing targeting a troop bus in Sistan-Baluchestan that killed at least 23 people. In an attack that killed 8 Iranian border guards in 2015, Tehran accused Jaish al-Adl members of infiltrating from Pakistan
Iran in 2014 deployed 30 commandos across the border into Pakistan to hunt down Jaish Al-Adl. They clashed with Pakistani border guards and left one Pakistani serviceman dead. Tensions cooled only after the two countries' military chiefs discussed border information-sharing measures, calling for foreshadowing plans to hunt down the rebels for the neighboring country

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