Paper Trading Competition on TradingView.

18 May 2024

TradingView is the leading online financial charting and analysis platform, used by millions of traders around the world to make informed decisions and maximize their profits. This platform has revolutionized the way traders operate in the financial markets. With an intuitive interface and powerful technical analysis tools, it has managed to attract the attention and praise of trading experts around the world.

TradingView offers a wide range of interactive and customizable charts, allowing traders to visualize market data clearly and effectively. Advanced charts, such as candlestick charts, can be tailored to your individual preferences to help you identify patterns and trends more easily. With TradingView, you'll have access to an impressive array of cutting-edge technical analysis tools. From popular indicators like moving averages and MACD, to more advanced tools like Fibonacci and price retracements, this platform gives you the ability to apply solid analytical strategies to your trading.

One of the most notable features of TradingView is its integrated global and social community. You will be able to follow other successful traders, interact with them, and even share your own trading ideas publicly. This active and collaborative interaction will allow you to learn from the best and have a broader vision of the market.

TradingView covers a wide range of markets and assets, ranging from stocks, futures, forex, cryptocurrencies and much more. Whether you're an experienced stock trader or a cryptocurrency enthusiast, you'll find all the tools and data you need to make informed decisions in real time.

Additional benefits that make this platform a superior choice over any other:

✔️ Customizable Trading Alerts: With TradingView, you can set up custom alerts that suit your specific needs. Whether you are tracking a particular stock or waiting for a specific signal to take a position in the market, you will receive instant notifications that will keep you informed and allow you to act quickly.

✔️ Fundamental Analysis Tools: In addition to technical analysis tools, TradingView also provides you with fundamental analysis tools to evaluate the financial prospects of a company. You will be able to access key financial data and perform in-depth analysis before making informed investment decisions.

✔️ Cloud Platform: A great advantage of TradingView is its cloud-based platform, which means that you can access your account and all your personalized settings from any device with an internet connection. Whether you're at home, in the office, or on the go, you'll have instant access to your custom charts, indicators, and alerts.


(The information was taken LITERALLY from the platform)

The Leap. Trade your way to $45000 in total cash prizes. Our paper trading competition is back and the prize pool has more than doubled. The top five traders with the highest profits after a month win cash prizes of $25000, $10000, $5000, $3000, and $2000. Epic. 💲👉 ‪78243‬ Traders are registered for this competition. Registration is closed so get prepared for our next contest.


✔️ Virtual money: At the start of the contest, you and every other participant will have $250000 in your special Paper Trading account for The Leap contest.

✔️ Symbols for trading: To keep things fair and consistent, only six assets from every popular market (stocks, crypto, commodities, and forex) are allowed to be traded in this contest: EURUSD currency pair, S&P 500 stock index, Bitcoin, Gold, Ethereum, and Solana.

✔️ Power of community: Harness our global community to find ideas, strategies, and scripts. With over 60 million members, our social network offers endless resources for traders.

✔️ Our champions: The participants with the highest income by the end of the contest will be crowned a champion and have a chance to win one of the cash prizes.

✔️ Practice makes perfect: No real money required, no brokerage account needed, and no hidden terms. Learn, practice, and compete with traders globally for cash prizes. Trade for at least 10 trading days, and you’ve got a chance to win.

Paper trading, also known as simulated trading, lets you trade with “fake” money and practice buying and selling securities. Everything is essentially the same as if you were trading with real money, except you can practice your hand at trading without any of the risk. Our system tracks your orders and you can see how much Profit or Loss (PnL) you have on your account. This helps you gauge how good you are at trading! You can start by logging in to use Paper Trading. By default, your account balance starts at $100,000, which you are able to reset at any time. The chart is equipped with “buy/sell” buttons that let you enter orders quickly. You can buy any security that actually trades.

You can hide the “buy/sell” buttons by right-clicking and unchecking them. The hidden buttons can be restored by going to Chart Settings and selecting the Trading tab. Another way to enter orders is to right-click on the chart at the desired price. Orders can then be modified by dragging them up or down.

Chart settings let you configure how orders and positions are shown (order placement arrows, lines, etc.). The Trading Panel is at the bottom of the chart. It has a list of open positions and orders. After reloading the chart, filled, cancelled and rejected orders are automatically deleted. Editing/closing/cancelling orders can be done directly on the chart or in the Trading Panel and you can reset your account at any time. After a reset, all order and balance history are restored to the default values you encountered in the beginning. You can reset your account in Account Settings.

Join The LeapTradingView’s paper trading competition - When you’ve learned how paper trading works and feel ready to test your skills, join The Leap — our 30-day virtual trading competition. Here, you’ll compete with fellow traders from all around the world to find out whose trading strategies are more thought-through and effective. There are no initial deposits, broker fees, or hidden charges, and no real money is used during the event. But despite the virtual nature of The Leap, the cash prizes are very real. Take your chance to become one of our champions on the official page of the competition. Also, you can find more about the rules here.


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✍ Originally Posted: Publish0x

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