Tron Sets Out On A Bold Mission To Revolutionise The Bitcoin Ecosystem

19 Feb 2024
In an ambitious vision for integrating Bitcoin Layer two solutions with the Tron network, Justin Sun, the founder of Tron, revealed on X that Tron is especially suited for the task of altering how stablecoins and other tokens function within the Bitcoin ecosystem. “TRON is set to unveil its groundbreaking Bitcoin Layer 2 solution,” stated Sun. “As the protocol behind the world’s largest stablecoin market, boasting $55 billion, and the decentralised finance Total Value Locked (TVL) of $22 billion.

As part of Sun’s vision, Tron intends to decentralise and integrate the Bitcoin network, its Layer two solutions, and tokenization ideas like Bitcoin Ordinals with a variety of token kinds, including stablecoins like USDT and USDC. By enabling smooth transactions and interactions between the Bitcoin network and Tron’s asset portfolio, this integration will increase the usefulness and accessibility of both blockchain systems.

Three important phases of development are outlined in the roadmap, which is briefly covered in Sun’s post on X. The goal of “Stage α” is to improve the cross-chain connectivity that enables the exchange and transfer of assets based on both Tron and Bitcoin. A key component of this phase is the cross-chain integration of Tron tokens, including TRX, BTT, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), onto the Bitcoin network with the goal of guaranteeing interoperability between the two ecosystems.


Tron intends to form strategic alliances with multiple Bitcoin Layer two protocols in “Stage β.” It is anticipated that these partnerships would encourage the expansion of the Bitcoin Layer two ecosystem and make restaking initiatives easier.

The main focus of “Stage γ’’ is the introduction of a thorough Layer two solution that combines the Bitcoin network, BTT, and Tron. The goal of this protocol is to combine the strong security characteristics of proof-of-work (PoW) and unspent transaction output (UTXO) models with the effectiveness and cheap transaction costs of proof-of-stake (PoS) systems.

Sun’s statement follows Tron’s triumph over obstacles including the Heco Bridge, Poloniex, and HTX hacking. A more critical perspective on this project is that Sun is trying to give the Tron network fresh life and funding. It is anticipated that this action will increase the value of BTT and TRX tokens.

The Bittorrent Token (BTT) had a spike of more than 12% after the roadmap was released, indicating the market’s positive reaction to Tron’s ambitions for Layer 2 integration.

The Rise in Tron’s TRX Profitability

A thorough examination of the data shows that practically all of Tron’s holders profited from a notable spike in the cryptocurrency’s price. This came from IntoTheBlock’s Global In/Out of the Money study, which contrasts the buy prices of addresses that currently possess TRX with the asset’s current price.

Tron price chart

When an address buys TRX for less than its present value, indicating a profit, the measure labels them as “In the Money.”

Addresses that purchased TRX at a higher price, however, are “Out of the Money,” suggesting a loss. However, the data shows that 99% of TRX holders, or 115.9 million addresses, are currently in the green, with just 1% at breakeven, meaning that no address is currently losing money.

With Justin Sun revealing a Bitcoin Layer 2 solution to enhance speed, security, and interoperability across blockchains, Tron is still at the forefront of innovation. With the help of this ambitious strategy, TRON will be able to more easily penetrate the $55 billion stablecoin market by integrating with Bitcoin.

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