Top 10 Places to Visit in Germany

24 Jan 2023

Many people know about Germany by crucial Ruler Hitler. Nowadays, Germany is famous for its natural beautiful places and the educational hub for foreign students. Germany is the western European country in the world. It is a landscape of forests, rivers, mountains, and sea beaches. If you want to visit beautiful places in Germany, I would help you with this Top 10 Places to visit in Germany article.

Top 10 Places to visit in Germany

1. Rothenberg

State:  Hesse

District: Odenwalkdkreis

Area: 30.48 square kilometres

Population: 2,246

Visting Cost: $58 per day per person

Attractions:  Museum Rodernberg, Waldklassenzimmer, Jehovas Zeugen Versammlung, Bogan Kassen Und System GmbH, St. James's Church, The Castle Gardens, Medieval Crime Museum, German Christmas Museum.

Rothenberg is the best-preserved medieval town in Europe. The main attraction for the tourist area of Rothenberg is the Charming old town. It has a wall with many historic and amazing pictures. You can find many beautiful old architects' lovely parks and gardens in Rothenberg. One of the most beautiful and popular gardens was Castle Garden which offers a wonderful view of the Old Town and the famous Double Bridge in the city. Likewise, Rothenburg Museum gives a better understanding of the importance of this beautiful old town. As well as, if you visit Rothenberg with your family then you don't feel like a waste of time. You enjoy this city.

2. Munich

State: Bavaria

District:  Urban district

Area:  310.71 square kilometres

Population: 5,991,144

Visting Cost: $138 per day per person

Attractions: Munich Residenz, The Olympic Park, Viktualienmarkt, BMW Museum, Hellabrunn Zoo, Art museum, Deutsches Museum, Frauenkirche.

Munich is the capital of Bavaria and is the third-largest city in Germany. This city lies on the River Isar on the fringes of the Bavarian Alps. Munich is the historical city of Germany. If you visit Munich then you will see three of its impressive old city gates and Marienplatz. It has many beautiful Churches so that there are a lot of people visiting. Also, we can enjoy ourselves in public parks and gardens. Olympic Park is one of the most attractive places in Munich where the Olympic tower is located. If you want to learn about modern automobile construction technology and get glimpses of future propulsion technology, you must visit BMW Museum. If you want to visit Munich then you would have many facilitated hotels.

3. Berlin

State:  Berlin

Area:  891.7 square kilometres

Population: 6,144,600

Visting Cost:  $128 per day per person

Attractions:  The Brandenburg Gate, The Rebuilt Reichstag, Museum Island, Berlin Wall Memorial, German Historical Museum, Berlin's Television Tower, Charlottenburg Palace and Park, Jewish Museum Berlin, German Museum of Technology, Topography of Terror, Berlin Zoological Gardens, DDR museum.
Berlin is the capital city of Germany. Scott is a major centre of politics, culture, media, and science and technology. And also the largest city in Germany. It is listed in the top 10 most developed cities in the world. Berlin has Museum Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It offers dynamic entertainment, shopping, a mix of new and classical architecture, and a wide variety of sports and cultural institutions. Also, the Berlin wall memorial carries a historical story about Germany. If we know about historical things such as weapons, historic armour, and uniform then we must visit German Historical Museum.

4. Rugen Island

State: Mecklenburg-Vorpommenrn

District:  Vorpommern-Rugen

Area:  926.4 square kilometres
Population: 81,000

Visting Cost: $95 per day per person

Attractions:  Jasmund National Park, Sellin, Bergen, Garz, Binz, Putbus, Sassnitz, Kap Arkona, Rasender Roland.

If you are an outdoors visitor, Rungen Island is an incredible place to explore nature. You can also did hiking, cycling and walking on the islands. On Rugen Island, you will find Germany's most beautiful sandy, beaches, white chalk cliffs, and beechwood forests. It is a tourist's popular beach destination in the summer and just as popular during the winter months for fishing and relaxation. Jasmund national park is popular for the white chalk cliffs that run 10 km in length and rise to about 117 meters. Also, you can collect Amber stones along the rocky shores in Sassnitz. If you are visiting in Runge Islands, you can't leave without making a trip to the beach. Glowe is a popular place for visitors to take enjoyment and relax.

5. The Rhine Valley

State: Rhineland-Palatinate

District:  Hesse

Area: 67,300 acres

Population: 10 million

Visting Cost: $170 per day per person

Attractions:  Rhine Gorge, Rhine River, Museums of Mainz, Worms Cathedral, Mannheim, Palatinate Forest, Spa Town:Wiesbaden, Koblenz, Braubach and Marksburg, Boppard's Roman Legacy.

The Rhine Valley consist Rhine river which is one of Europe's most beautiful river. Also, it has Rhine Gorge which has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Rhine Gorge is rich in unique flora and fauna due to its microclimate. In the Rhine river, you can take a slow boating experience which will be made most amazing experience in your life. In the Rhine valley, we can find many cultural, historical, and naturally beautiful places which give you knowledge and enjoyment. Do you know, Worms Cathedral is also located on the west bank of the Rhine, is one of the oldest towns in Germany. You can enjoy hiking or cycling in the Palatinate Forest. Therefore not miss this place to visit.

6. Cologne

State: North Rhine-Westphalia

District:  Urban districts of Germany

Area:  405.15 square kilometres
Population: 1.083, 498

Visting Cost: $148 per day per person

Attractions:  Cologne Cathedral, Explore Historic Old Town Cologne, Cologne city hall, Hop abroad on Rhine river cruise, htheWallraf-Richartz & Ludwing Museums, Cologne zoological garden, The Roman-Germanic Museum, St. Gereon's Basilica, and Altenburg Cathedral.
Cologne is the fourth largest city in Germany. It is the most important commercial and cultural centre in Germany. It is famous for its 12 great Romanesque Churches. Also, The Cologne Cathedral is the city's towering Landmark. This is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site. In Cologne, you can find numerous historic churches, museums, and towns.

Cologne city is located near the Rhine river so its is biodiversity so amazing in Germany. There are many different animals and plants around. So, Cologne zoological garden and Botanical Garden are beautiful places to visit. Near the Cologne Cathedral, we have Roman-Germanic Museum. It offers a fascinating insight into the city's rich archaeological heritage. Likewise, The Museum of Applied art shows you a collection of jewellery furniture, porcelain, arms, and armour as well as several architectural exhibits.

 7. Dresden

State: Saxony

District:  Urban districts of Germany

Area:  328.8 square kilometres
Population: 1,343,305

Visting Cost: $125 per day per person

Attractions: Dresden Frauenkirche, Dresden Royal Palace and Museums, Zwinger and old masters Picture Gallery, Semper Opera and theaterplatz, the great garden and zoo, Pillnitz Palace, Dresden Kulturpalast, Albertinum, Transport Museum.
Dresden is a recent city in f Germany where Germanic origin followed by the settlement of Slavic people. It lies on both banks Elbe and Dresden Basin. Dresden Royal Palace and Museum is the most tourist like area. In it, priceless art, opulent court clothing, intricate needlework even Augustus the strong's garden tools are shown and their significance explained. Likewise, Zwinger and Old Masters Picture Gallery, and Semper Opera are the most impressive place. These include the Dresden Porcelain Collection, Scientific instruments in the Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments.

With a pleasant location and cool climate on the Elbe, as well as Baroque-style architecture and numerous world-renowned museums and art collections, Dresden has been called "Elbflorenz".

8. Lubeck

State:  Schleswig-Holstein

District:  Urban districts of Germany

Area:  214.13 square kilometers

Population: 215,846

Visting Cost: $185 per day per person

Attractions:  Altstadt, Holstentor, St Mary's Church, Town Hall, Hospital of the Holy Spirit, European Hansemuseum, Lubeck Cathedral, St Peter's Church, Burgtor, Salzspeicher.

Lubeck is the UNESCO World Heritage Site listed city. It is the central node for the network of ports around the Baltic Sea. This city is also called "The City of the Seven Spires". Germany's largest historic center Lubeck is designed in a way that attracts anyone who spirits of adventure. In Lubeck, St Mary's, and St Peter's world's largest Churches are located. So that there are many tourists visit these areas every year. Germany's largest medieval town hall is situated in the Lubeck.

The city of Lubeck is famous for having been the cradle and the de facto capital of the Hanseatic League. Lubeck's skyline is dominated by the seven towers of its five main churches St Mary's, Lubeck Cathedral, St Jacob's, St Peters, and St Giles. It is the most visited place in Germany

9. Heidelberg

State: Baden- Wurttemberg

District:  Urban districts of Germany

Area:  108.83 square kilometers

Population: 158,741

Visting Cost: $133 per day per person

Attractions:  Heidelberg Castle, Hauptstrasse, and the Altstadt, Heidelberg University, Karl Theodor Bridge, Schloss Schwetzingen, Heiligenberg, Heidelberg zoo, and Germany's Oldest Botanic Garden, German Pharmacy Museum, The Palatinate Museum.
Heidelberg is in the Rhine Rift Valley. It is bordered by the Konigsstuhl and the Gaisber mountains. There are many historical churches in Heidelberg and its surrounding. Heidelberg Castle, Karl Theodor Bridge, Heiligenberg, Heidelberg zoo are the most tourist attraction areas in Heidelberg.

Heidelberg is one of the most romantic cities in Germany. If you visit here you can feel you are visiting heaven. As well as, world's famous University Heidelberg University located here.

10. Bremen

State: Bremen

Districts:  19 districts

Area: 326.73 square kilometers

Population: 566,573

Visting Cost: $137 per day per person

Attractions:  Bremen's Historic Marktplatz, Bremen Town Hall, Schnoor Quarter, The Schlachte, Kunsthalle Bremen, Rohododendron Park, Universum Bremen, The Overseas Museum, Focke Musium.

Bremen is situated on Germany's lower Weser River. It is also one of the largest seaports and centers of seaborne trade in Germany. Bremen's Historic Marktplatzz has a 5.5-meter tall statue of Germany's most famous Knight, Roland. Bremen Town Hall was most of the tourists liked areas in the Bremen. Schlachte is another most visited district of the Bremen. This area is situated on the bank of the riverside. So that many tourists take a pleasant on boating. Likewise, the Kunsthalle is located in the middle part of the Bremen. It is famous due to these include collection of French and Dutch paintings of the 19th and 20th centuries. Also, Bremen has many beautiful places which are not miss to visit while visiting Germany.


You know Germany is the most beautiful and historically valuable country in the World. So that, if you plan to visit such a place then you must visit these top 10 places visit in Germany. I hope you love this article. If you have any lovely words to suggest to us please comment below. Have a nice Journey!!!

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