30 Dec 2023

For more than 1000 episodes and chapters, Eiichiro Oda left many mysteries in One Piece that have not yet been revealed to this day. It also gave rise to a lot of wild theories from fans. On this occasion the author would like to discuss 10 of the many mysteries in One Piece that have not yet been revealed!

1. Gol D. Roger's disease

In the flashback that is told, the Pirate King Gol D. Roger is never seen losing in a fight, but he surrenders himself to the Navy. The reason was because he had an incurable disease. Even a legendary doctor like Crocus could only extend Roger's life without curing his illness.
Without mentioning what the disease was like, Roger surrendered himself and was sentenced to death by the Navy. It seems that no one knows about this disease other than Roger and Crocus themselves. Rayleigh, Shanks, or Buggy, who were on the same ship as Roger, never mentioned this disease.

2. Events in the Void Century

The Void Century is one of the biggest secrets in One Piece which was eliminated by the World Government. Anyone who attempts to reveal this secret will be exterminated by them like the residents of Ohara who were obliterated by the Buster Call. This is why the World Government is really targeting Nico Robin, a surviving resident of Ohara.
Void Century was an event 800 years ago. It's possible that what happened at that time was related to Joy Boy and the D clan. Let's just wait until Oda reveals the secret behind the Void Century.

3. All Blue

All Blue is Sanji's main goal in sailing with Luffy as the Straw Hat crew. Sanji once read about the legend of All Blue, a place where the seas from the west, east, north and south meet. It is said that there live all kinds of fish and the most abundant food.
As a chef, of course Sanji is very interested in this legend. He also believes that All Blue exists and decides to look for it with Luffy.

4. Owner of the Giant Straw Hat

In Im-sama's first appearance, we are shown a giant straw hat kept in Pangea's castle, Marijoa. This then gave rise to many theories, one of which said that it was a hat from Joy Boy.
Im-sama seems to have a grudge against Joy Boy to the point where he targets other straw hat users like Luffy. Let's just wait until Oda reveals the secret of this giant straw hat.

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