What is XPLUS? XPLUS Tokenomics and Price Prediction

12 Feb 2024


  • XPlus is a blockchain project that integrates Web 3.0 and social media to create a virtual universe.
  • Users can earn rewards through social mining and by participating in activities within the ecosystem.
  • The XPlus ecosystem includes social media integration, a crypto wallet, an NFT marketplace, and the ability to import external assets.
  • XPlus operates on the XPLUS Chain, which uses delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) as its consensus mechanism.
  • The XPLUS token is the native cryptocurrency and has various use cases, including transactions, staking, governance, and accessing services.


What is XPLUS? | source: Crypto News

XPlus is a blockchain project that leverages the potential of Web 3.0 and your social media presence to build a virtual universe. By integrating your social media accounts into the XPlus platform and engaging in social mining activities, you can earn rewards.
Key features of XPlus include:

  • Social mining functions
  • Smooth integration with existing social platforms
  • Social media app with an integrated crypto wallet
  • NFT marketplace
  • Capability to import external assets


XPLUS believes that social communication is essential in everyone's daily life. As new technologies continue to evolve, interactions between individuals will enter a new phase. The Xplus project recognizes the value of every interaction and aims to create a robust ecosystem that enhances social connections and empowers users. Let's explore the key components of the Xplus ecosystem:

2.1. Social Mining

In the Xplus ecosystem, users have the opportunity to earn XCOIN through social interaction. By actively engaging with others, users can accumulate XCOIN, which serves as the native token of the Xplus platform. 
This innovative concept of social mining allows users to be rewarded for their contributions and participation within the community. 
As users earn XCOIN, they unlock access to high-quality and exclusive content created by talented individuals known as "CREATORs." This not only encourages user engagement but also supports content creators by providing them with a direct monetization channel.

2.2. X-Wallet

The X-Wallet is a comprehensive digital asset management solution within the Xplus ecosystem. It allows users to manage all their digital assets across multiple blockchains in a single, user-friendly interface. 
With the X-Wallet, users can seamlessly transfer assets to other users through their social connections, facilitating easy and secure peer-to-peer transactions. 
Furthermore, the X-Wallet explores opportunities in the Web3 space, enabling users to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) and participate in the emerging decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.

2.3. Programs

Within the Xplus ecosystem, there are various sub-applications, known as Programs, that enhance the user experience and offer advanced features. 
These Programs can include blockchain games, social marketplaces, and other interactive platforms. By integrating these Programs, Xplus empowers users to explore new possibilities and engage with innovative applications built on the blockchain. 
Additionally, these Programs enhance the user's earning journey by providing avenues to convert XCOIN to XPLUS, the platform's native token.

2.4. X-FOMO

X-FOMO is a growth hacking introduction tool designed to attract new users to the Xplus ecosystem. 
By leveraging the power of immediate incentives on-chain, the X-FOMO tool allows the community to generate effective revenues and enhance user interaction. 
This approach not only incentivizes users to join the Xplus platform but also promotes organic growth as existing community members can actively participate in expanding the user base.


How does XPLUS work? | Source: Coinmama

XPLUS operates on its own blockchain, known as the XPLUS Chain, which is designed to provide a secure, efficient, and scalable infrastructure for various applications within the XPLUS ecosystem. Here are the key components and functionalities that make XPLUS work:

  • XPLUS Chain: The XPLUS Chain is a decentralized blockchain that serves as the backbone of the XPLUS ecosystem. It utilizes a consensus mechanism called delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS), where token holders can vote for delegates (also known as block producers) who validate transactions and secure the network. DPoS is known for its high scalability and energy efficiency compared to traditional proof-of-work (PoW) consensus algorithms.
  • XPLUS Token (XPLUS): XPLUS has its native utility token called XPLUS. It serves multiple purposes within the ecosystem, including transaction fees, staking rewards, and governance.
  • Smart Contracts and dApps: XPLUS supports the development and deployment of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) on its blockchain. Developers can leverage the XPLUS Chain to build innovative dApps that utilize the security and scalability features of the blockchain.
  • Governance: XPLUS incorporates a governance model that allows token holders to participate in decision-making processes. Through a decentralized governance mechanism, token holders have the ability to propose and vote on important decisions, including protocol upgrades, changes to network parameters, and other relevant matters. 


What is XPLUS Token? | Source: Where Buy Coin

The XPLUS token is the native cryptocurrency of the XPLUS ecosystem. It serves as a medium of exchange and a utility token within the platform. XPLUS tokens are designed to facilitate various functions and transactions within the XPLUS ecosystem.

4.1. XPLUS Crypto Price

Predicting the future price of any cryptocurrency, including XPLUS, is challenging and speculative. Various factors can influence the price, such as market conditions, adoption rate, competition, technological advancements, and regulatory developments. It's important to note that cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and can experience significant fluctuations in a short period.

4.2. XPLUS Tokenomics

XPLUS tokenomics refers to the economic model and distribution of XPLUS tokens. While the specific details may vary based on the project's design, here are some common aspects of tokenomics:

  • Token name: XPLUS
  • Ticker: XPT
  • Token contract: 0xa0ecaf60d01e6b62bd2b9aadb29a069b9d5b9684 
  • Token Type: Utility
  • Token Supply: The current total supply is
  • Circulating Supply: With a circulating supply of 0 XPT as of Jan 2024.

4.3. XPLUS Token Allocation

XPT Initial Distribution

  • Social2Earn Rewards: 70%
  • Liquidity & Treasury Fund: 10%
  • Token Sale: 7%
  • Development: 6%
  • Team: 4%
  • Marketing: 3%

4.4. XPLUS Token Use Cases

XPLUS use cases| source: ZainView

XPLUS tokens have various use cases within the XPLUS ecosystem. Here are some common use cases:

  • Transactions: XPLUS tokens can be used as a medium of exchange within the XPLUS ecosystem. Users can use XPLUS tokens to make purchases, pay for services, or transfer value between participants.
  • Fees and Rewards: XPLUS tokens can be used to pay for transaction fees, network fees, or other fees associated with using the XPLUS platform. Additionally, users may earn rewards in the form of XPLUS tokens for participating in certain activities within the ecosystem.
  • Staking and Governance: Token holders can stake their XPLUS tokens to participate in the platform's staking mechanism. By staking their tokens, users can earn rewards and actively contribute to the network's security and governance.
  • Access to Services: Some services within the XPLUS ecosystem may require users to hold and XPLUS tokens. These services can include accessing premium features, advanced functionalities, or exclusive content.
  • Incentives and Rewards: XPLUS tokens may be used to incentivize and reward users for their participation, engagement, and contributions to the ecosystem. This can include activities such as liquidity provision, content creation, and community involvement.
  • Governance Voting: XPLUS token holders may have the ability to participate in governance decisions by voting on proposals or protocol upgrades. This allows token holders to have a say in the development and direction of the XPLUS ecosystem.


XPLUS does not rely on traditional mining mechanisms like proof-of-work (PoW) or proof-of-stake (PoS) for token creation or validation. Instead, XPLUS tokens are typically pre-mined or distributed through token sales or airdrops.
Pre-mining: In some cases, XPLUS tokens are pre-mined, meaning they are created and distributed to specific addresses before the public launch or token sale. This approach allows for better control over the initial token distribution and avoids the resource-intensive nature of traditional mining.
Token Sales and Airdrops: XPLUS tokens can be distributed through token sales or airdrops. Token sales involve selling a portion of the total token supply to investors or the public, while airdrops involve distributing tokens for free to holders of specific cryptocurrencies or community members.


Is XPLUS a good investment? | Source: U Today

Assessing the investment potential of XPLUS requires careful consideration. Factors to evaluate include the project's team, technology, partnerships, market demand, and future roadmap. Thorough research and consulting with financial advisors can help make informed investment decisions.


To buy XPLUS, follow these steps:

  • Create an account on a reputable cryptocurrency exchange supporting XPLUS.
  • Complete the necessary verification process.
  • Deposit funds into your account.
  • Locate the XPLUS trading pair and place your buy order.
  • Store your XPLUS tokens securely in compatible wallets.


To stake XPLUS and earn rewards, follow these steps:

  • Determine staking requirements and rewards offered by the XPLUS Hub or other staking platforms.
  • Ensure you have the required amount of XPLUS tokens for staking.
  • Connect your wallet to the staking platform.
  • Follow the instructions to delegate your XPLUS tokens for staking.
  • Monitor your staking rewards and adjust strategies as needed.


To store XPLUS securely, consider using compatible wallets that provide a high level of security and control over your XPLUS tokens. Choose from reputable hardware wallets, software wallets, or online wallets that support XPLUS.
Above is a summary of information related to What is XPLUS? This is a promising cryptocurrency with many features and use cases. The XPLUS Chain, XPLUS Exchange and XPLUS Hub form the foundation of its ecosystem, providing users with efficient transactions, decentralized trading and staking opportunities. XPLUS derives its value from factors such as token price, token economics, attribution, and use cases.
When XPLUS crypto price prediction and assessing investment potential can be challenging, conducting thorough research, staying informed, and seeking professional advice can help make informed decisions. When buying XPLUS, ensure you choose a reputable exchange and store your tokens securely in compatible wallets. Stay updated with the latest developments and news to make the most of your XPLUS investment journey.

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