⚜️Curses of the Romanovs. Part I ⚜️Marina Mnishek. In 1613, after many years of Troubles, Mikha

13 Mar 2023

⚜️Curses of the Romanovs. Part I

⚜️Marina Mnishek.

In 1613, after many years of Troubles, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov became the tsar of the Russian state. In order to gain a foothold on the throne, which is a rather reasonable decision, given the fate of previous kings, he orders Marina Mnishek and her son to be arrested and brought to Moscow. A noble Polish woman who married False Dmitry I, after a short reign of her husband, fled Moscow. After some time, False Dmitry II appeared in the country, Marina "recognized" in him the murdered spouse and even, soon gave birth to a son from him - Ivan. As we know, False Dmitry II was also killed, and Marina and her son stayed in Russia. In 1613, she was taken to Moscow with her three-year-old son. Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich executed the boy Ivan, the heir to the throne, so that the new dynasty would not have interference. A three-year-old child was hanged, a heartbroken mother, after the execution of her son, cursed the Romanovs, saying that all the men of this dynasty would not die a natural death.
👑 To be continued.

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